February 14, 2016


ash wednesday early service

Send yours to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net

Joe Brough and the Rev. Sally Boelter at the 6:15am Ash Wednesday Service


Lenten Potluck and Program  begins this Wednesday,  February 17. We will gather each week on Wednesday evenings for a 6:15 Evening Prayer, 6:30 Potluck Dinner and a Program beginning at 7:15 PM. Come for everything or whatever parts fit your schedule best. For the potluck please bring your own table setting and a dish to share.

A Shared, Simple Meal is the setting for Saint James’ Foyer Groups. Foyers meet to share a meal and conversation for four months and then dissolve. This series of once-monthly meetings run from March to June. Sign up on the signup board, or by contacting the church office office@saintjamesgi.net 734-676-1727.

Brand New Bible Studies are being offered through Saint James this Winter and Spring, bringing the number of parishioner Bible Studies to four, with two weekly and two monthly:  First, an open, drop-in Bible Study is held every Sunday morning at 9:05 in the Fireplace Room.  Second, we are newly adding a Thursday Morning Bible Study at 10:15am at church. In this Study we will begin with 10 minutes of meditative quiet, then read a chapter of scripture and share in discussion, then end with another 10 minutes of meditative prayer that end with a brief time of shared prayer led by Fr. Phil. This study is every Thursday morning, beginning February 11.  Third, please sign up on the sign-up board by the main entrance or contact office@saintjamesgi.net if you would like to be part of a simple “African-Method” Bible Study held on a weeknight once-a-month, in different member’s homes. This Bible Study involves no preparation ahead of time. Instead the scripture is read a number of times by a number of voices and the content of the study is sharing our questions and insights. Please join this study especially if you are willing to be a leader for a similar study this fall. Fourth, please sign up on the sign-up board or contact office@saintjamesgi.net if you would like to be a part of a so-called “Deep Dive” Bible Study that will require some preparation beforehand for two designated leaders each time. Those leaders will study just a few of the scriptures for the coming Sunday and write-up or prepare a reflection on what they learned. This is no-pressure, as there are no right answers and no evaluation. Rather, the reflection becomes the starting point for a group conversation. These meetings often involve pie or some other dessert.

The Office will be closed Monday, Feb 15th for President’s Day.

ECW General Meeting will be today, Feb. 14th after the 10:00 service.

lisette pictureLearn More About Lisette With Our Red Doors Series: A Month Of Remembrance / A woman of Vision / A Treasured Gift.

Be sure to stop by the bulletin board in the main hallway this week to explore Lisette’s journey from slavery to freedom

Up next: Week 3– Understand the formation of Lisette’s vision.

Week 4 – Experience Lisette’s dream.

The Alma Choir will sing with the GI High School Madrigal Choir at a free concert Tuesday, March 1st at 7pm in the High School auditorium.

Lenten Communion Bread  Would you like to bake Communion Bread during Lent? We still need volunteers for weeks in March. Please contact Krista in the office if you can help.

Preparation For Confirmation  has begun.  Bishop Gibbs will be visiting St. James on April 24, 2016.  Please keep he confirmands in your prayers.  If anyone wants to join the class, contact Nancy Crysler 734-673-3990.

An Open Bible Study is held every Sunday Morning in the Fireplace Room at 9:05 am. We are currently reading & discussing the Gospel of Luke a chapter at a time.

A Weekday Eucharist focused on the life of a saint is held every Wed. at 10:15am.

Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/saintjamesgi for regular updates.

Home Remedies For The Common Cold as well as for cough, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, and postnasal drip symptoms are being posted on a church bulletin board for your enjoyment.  On a sheet of paper write down your favorite home remedies, sign them if you like, and then bring them to Saint James and post them. Check to see what others have posted.  Hot toddy home remedies that include alcohol (for medicinal purposes!) are perfectly acceptable.  – David Hartwell

Do You Share Your Life With A Pet?  Last fall All God’s Creatures were featured in The Good News Weekly announcement about the Blessing of the Animals.  In honor of their place in your heart and in your home please help us create a photo directory of All God’s Creatures at Saint James.  Bring a photo of your pet to church and post it on the Fellowship bulletin board.  Along with the photo please include your pet’s name, as well as your name.  We look forward to getting to know you and your pet better.

Soup Kitchen Volunteers will next be needed on Sat. April 16th, when we will do that whole day alone: cooking and serving. We have February and March off. Sign-up sheets are on our bulletin board in the hallway near the “Godly Play” East River Room.  For more information talk to Amy & Frank Kohair  734-693-0694

Fr. Phil’s Open Office Hours are every Tuesday from 4:30-6:30pm.

Coffee and Fellowship follow the 10am Service every Sunday in Galloway Hall. Volunteers are always needed to host.  If you are not able to host a coffee hour but would like to contribute something we can always use packaged cookies or anything that can be frozen and used when there is no volunteer for a particular Sunday. Talk to Joan Hemsworth if you have any questions (734-675-8191).



Please send your write-up on church events to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net



Fun and food before we head into Lent!

fat tuesday 1
fat tuesday 3


Joyce Turin shared wonderful stories from 50 years of Town Hall meetings and the celebrities she’s met.  Be sure to ask Joyce about her diamond pin!

joyce and tickets joyce speaking







A Weekly Series by Daniel Susan, our Minister of Music

Music relaxes and relents a bit in Lent, not so much to be “sad” as is sometimes said, but for more reflection and space to ponder the state of our soul. The sung parts of the Eucharist which do not change week to week are often called the “Ordinary”. These include the Song of Praise, which can be the “Glory to God”, but can also be the “Lord, have mercy” (Kyrie eleison in Greek), or the “Trisagion” (literally, to sing “God” three times). The Sanctus (Holy), and Fraction Anthem (Angus Dei – Lamb of God), will be sung to more reserved musical settings, saving our noisy outbursts for Easter. On most Sundays in Lent we will sing the Trisagion to a modern Russian setting, but on the first Sunday in Lent we follow the tradition of singing The Great Litany in procession. Note the organ chorale prelude “O humanity, bewail thy manifold sins” by J.S. Bach. This is based on a hymn tune that is unfamiliar to us today but would have been well-known in Bach’s day as people carried their hymnbooks home for weekday devotions and this was a wide-spread Lenten text. Bach preaches to us with one of his most elaborate and expressive arrangements. There are musical representations of the serpent in Eden, a reference to a Christmas carol, and the contrast of highly-decorated phrases side-side-with unadorned hymn-tune phrases to highlight stark texts. Finally at the very end, after a plain phrase, the word “cross” is highly decorated as the tempo lurches to a crawl even as the harmony likewise crashes into a “where-did-that-come-from?” sound – a rare if not unique thing for Bach to do. All in all, a fit mediation for our Lenten journey: A sermon in music by Johann Sebastian Bach; repent!


Email goodnews@saintjamesgi.net if you want to serve in one of these capacities.

February 14  
Altar Guild Diane Mammo, Blanche Hutchison, Marilou Arvin
8am 1st lesson reader Meren James
8am Eucharistic Minister David Hartwell
10 am 1st lesson reader Linda Shannon
10am 2nd lesson & chalice Carolyn Hoey
10am prayers & chalice Andrew Johnson
Ushers Jack Hartley, Robin Knudsen, Zach & Merri Lewis
Greeters Sue Anderson and Robin Knudson
10 am Crucifer Andrew Johnson
10am Acolytes

Prayer TeamMitch Lewis & Landon Johnson

Maria Turner & Herman Rugel


Angel List 

Suggestions for above and beyond regular giving.

Partial gifts will be held until the full amount has been reached.

  1. Baby Changing Table for the men’s room $214–
  2. New Tempered Glass on the Chapel Stained Glass $12,000–
  3. Island-wide Easter Mailing $3,000–
  4. Refurbish Chapel Historical Marker at East River $800–

Does your ministry area have needs beyond the budget?

Send needs with a cost amount to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net.


Birthdays This Week

Tyler Stepaniak (2/15) Daniel Bohl (2/17) Kaitlyn Brock (2/17)
Rachel Garza (2/17) Ray McNeill (2/18) Norma Smereka (2/18)
Erica Chappuis (2/18) Austin Saavedra (2/20) Karen Brock (2/20)


Healing prayers for:         

Lee Jerry Zavadil Maureen Kohn
Jerry John Kurth Marsha Childress
Pete Fernandes Jean Fernandes Andrew Brunell
Philip Metz, Sr Linda Petras Judy Williams
Michael Gratz Charles Carol Tyler Gacioch
Robert Christopher Bradley
Nancy Volk Nicole Jackson Bruce Beidler
Joan Klose Thomas Thompson George Faistenhammer

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military  Drew, Jimmy Adams, AJ Allen, Billie Ray Brewer, John Chambers, J.B. Faistenhammer, Cristopher Gernand, Devon Goyert, Steven Grzywa Jr., Matt Hertl, Keith Johnson, Laura Levillier,  Blake Liddle, Ken Matthews, Buckley Neal, PJ Ramsey, Brett Ready, Ronald Riling, Christopher Rodgers, Kristina Rodgers, Bettina Sauter, Jonathan Southerland, Jeff Speer, and Travis Tam.

To ensure our Lists are current petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission. Names may be re-submitted any number of times to office@saintjamesgi.net.