March 6, 2016


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Warren j johnson

Warren J Johnson filling Galloway Hall with music!

Our Lent Potluck & Program continues this week with our program: “Five Great Challenges in the Christian Life.” Still to come: Finding Balance; and Do Tenets of the Christian Faith Change? The Wednesday Night programs follow this schedule: 6:15 Evening Prayer in Chapel; 6:30 Potluck in Galloway Hall; 7:00 Program by Fr. Phil. Come to all three parts, or as many as you can.

We Celebrate Women’s Stories  on March 6, at 2pm in the chapel, with a moving performance by Collette Cullen as she portrays Annie Sullivan who taught the deaf and blind Helen Keller to read and talk.  The Grosse Ile Alliance for the Arts will be honoring women in public service and government.

The Men’s Breakfast is Sat, March 12th  at 8:30am at Mom’s on Fort Street in Trenton.

An ECW Day Trip To Du Mouchelles is planned for Tuesday, March 15th.  Please join us as we have a fun outing to Du Mouchelles in downtown Detroit.  We will leave Saint James at 9am and car pool.  Each person is invited to bring an item to be appraised to estimate its value.  We will have lunch somewhere in Midtown or Corktown.  There is a signup sheet on the Fellowship board in the hallway.

Holy Week Services follow Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, stand with him at the last supper, descend with him to the dead, and rise with him in the climax of Easter Day. These holiest days of the year are extraordinary, and not to be missed!

          Palm Sunday — 8 am & 10 am — March 20

          Maundy Thursday — 7 pm — one hour — Chapel — March 24

          Good Friday Liturgy — 1 pm — Sermon: 7 Witnesses of the Cross —  March 25

          Holy Saturday Solemn Prayers — 9 am — Chapel — March 26

          Holy Saturday for Kidz! — 10 am-12 — Craft, Story, Hunt, Snack

          Easter Sunrise Vigil — 7:45 am — March 27

          Easter Day Festival Eucharist — 10 am — March 27

Save the Date for our Annual Detroit riverboat Cruise June 11th. 

postcard question marks biggerKurt Vonnegut Short Stories will be brought to the stage for Open Book Theatre’s production of Who Am I This Time? running March 4-19th in Southgate. The stories display the best of Vonnegut’s craft as he explores themes of identity, loss and love with a sensitivity and dark humor that speaks to us today.

The If Feet Could Talk Sock Ministry has left the building.  It has gone to fulfill its mission of providing clean, warm socks for individuals at Mariners Inn, Detroit Veteran Center, and COTS in Detroit who are homeless or struggling to make ends meet.  More socks are also being individually handed out by volunteers from church to homeless people on Detroit street corners.  It is a testament to the size of the hearts of Saint James church members that two 55 gallon collection drums have been overfilled with sock donations over the past several months.  God bless all of you who helped make this first year ministry effort a tremendous success.

What is Dartball?  If you go to the internet and search “dartball” you will learn more about the game, its rich history, and the fun you can have playing the game. Kate and I went to the last league game of the year on Monday, February 29 of a ten team church dartball league that plays about an hour away.  Both teams were very friendly and the host team graciously gifted Saint James a used dartball board and some dartball darts.  We will first need to prepare a place to set it up and then you will all be invited to come try your hand at dartball.  On Sunday evening, March 13, the church dartball league championship is being played and we have been extended an invitation to watch the games.  There will be multiple boards with multiple teams playing at the same time.  Please let David Hartwell know if you are interested in being a team player or if you would like to watch the league championship by emailing or calling him at or 313 318-9009.

The Ten-Week Preparation For Confirmation is under way for 6 students: Andrew Ador Johnson, Warren Johnson, William Johnson, Abbey McNeill, Tommy Shumate and Hannah Thomas.  Please pray for these special young people.

Games to Share? We are looking for some fun games for our young people.  If anyone has a corn hole game, foosball, air hockey etc. game they would like to donate, it would be much appreciated.  The games can be used as learning tools in Sunday School .  Contact Nancy Crysler,

A Shared, Simple Meal is the setting for Saint James’ Foyer Groups. Foyers meet to share a meal and conversation for four months and then dissolve. This series of once-monthly meetings run from March to June. Sign up on the signup board, or by contacting the church office 734-676-1727.

Brand New Bible Studies are being offered through Saint James this Winter. Join us Sunday mornings at 9:05 in the Fireplace Room. A second weekly Bible Study runs on Thursday mornings at 10:30am in the Library. Sign up on the Bulletin Boards by the front doors to be part of our new Home Group Bible Studies, or email

You May Be Asking Yourself “How do I get great coffee?” If you’re wishing you, too, were picking up some fresh roasted coffee this Sunday let David Hartwell know you want to start receiving no obligation to buy emails from the CBCBC. Our next coffee order will be sent in on Monday, April 4 and pickup will be on Sunday, April 10.  In the coming months our members will have the opportunity to “travel” to both Jamaica and Hawaii to sample Jamaica Blue Mountain ‘Estate’ and Hawaiian Kona ‘Volcanic Estate’ coffees.  These two are considered to be the creme de la creme of coffees and are priced accordingly. You are encouraged to visit the CoffeeAm website and learn about both of these “single origin” coffees. Members willing to share in the cost of the “trip” will sample each coffee brewed using different brew methods including French Press, AeroPress, and Chemex, to name but a few.  Get your name on the CBCBC emailing list and make your “trip” reservation today by contacting David Hartwell at 313 318-9009 or

 An Open Bible Study is held every Sunday Morning in the Fireplace Room at 9:05 am. We are currently reading & discussing the Gospel of Luke a chapter at a time.

A Weekday Eucharist focused on the life of a saint is held every Wed. at 10:15am.

Follow us on Facebook at for regular updates.

Fr. Phil’s Open Office Hours are every Tuesday from 4:30-6:30pm.

Coffee and Fellowship follow the 10am Service every Sunday in Galloway Hall. Volunteers are always needed to host, contact Joan Hemsworth (734-675-8191).


Please send your write-up on church events to


Recently the Interfaith Council was asked to join the Grosse Ile Presbyterian in implementing the “Bottoms Up” diaper program.  This is an ongoing diaper bank that provides diapers to families in need. We would partner with Fish & Loaves, a local food pantry in Taylor, MI.

We learned many surprising facts:

Diapers can’t be purchased with WIC or Bridge cards.

Parents may miss work if they can’t supply diapers at free or subsidized daycare.

Cloth diapers can’t be washed at laundromats, for health reasons.

Diapers for one baby can average between $60-$80 per month.

Due to cost and lack of diapers a baby may remain in one diaper all day.

Fish & Loaves will distribute diapers to qualified, low-income families with babies and toddlers.The goal is to provides enough diapers so parents can take their babies to daycare.  This would enable them to work and provide for their family.

How can you help??

Donate diapers in the container in our hallway.

Write a check to GIPC–notation “Bottoms Up”. (Give to Jane or Susan)

Donate diaper coupons.

Ask if your company is interested in being a corporate sponsor.

Parents of young children can register for rewards at places like

Huggies, Pampers, and Babies R Us.

If you have any questions please contact:

Jane Colwell  (734-671-9446) or  Susan Lowery  (734-675-0417)


Email if you want to serve in one of these capacities.

March 6  
Altar Guild Michael Glover, Carolyn Hoey, Meren James
8am 1st lesson reader Meren James
8am Eucharistic Minister Tom Coleman
10 am 1st lesson reader Larry Crabtree
10am 2nd lesson & chalice Pat Zavadil
10am prayers & chalice Walt Denson
Ushers Walt Denson, Jack Hartley, Robin Knudsen, Chuck Kurth
Greeters Sue Anderson & Robin Knudson
10 am Crucifer Kaleb Turner
10am Acolytes

Prayer Team

Sam Rankine & Zoie Christie

Sue Anderson & Madeleine Jones


Below are some things that St. James would love to have, but the budget does not allow them at this time. If one of these items speaks to your heart, please make a donation toward the purchase. All partial gifts will be gratefully accepted and put toward the total cost. Also, if you see or think of something that should be on this list, please let us know.

  1. Area rug for Sunday School classrooms $150
  2. New plexiglass on the Evangelists window   $6,000
  3. Island-wide Evangelism mailing $3,000
  4. 4 Long tablecloths for the 8ft. tables $120
  5. Landscape and decorate area outside breezeway
  6. New windows for Galloway Hall

Thank you, thank you, and thank you!


🎵 🎶 🎶🎵  MUSIC NOTES  🎵🎶🎶 🎵

A Weekly Series by Daniel Susan, our Minister of Music

This week we will sing hymns and songs particularly full of grace: “O bless the Lord, my soul” and “Come thou fount of every blessing”. We also proclaim the Welsh tune and text “Guide me, O thou great Jehovah” as a reflection of the first reading and the collect of the day. The Welsh have a particularly strong tradition of corporate singing, and share a large number of good tunes and texts with the world considering the small size of their nation. The canon sung by the choir carries text taken directly from the Gospel of the day. The Fourth Sunday in Lent has traditionally been nicknamed “Mid-Lent”. The appointed Gospel is particularly full of grace, and as the mid-point of Lent, provides a slight break from the prayer, repentance, and fasting of the season before we move to the passion of Our Lord. In some traditions this is reflected in the use of rose-colored  vestments – a tempering of the violet of the surrounding season, and a parallel to a similar Sunday in the midst of Advent. In those places where the tradition is that the organ is silent during Lent, it is allowed on this day. In England it is also known as “Mothering Sunday” and is a parallel to Mother’s Day in the USA.


We Celebrate Birthdays This Week

Gwyn Dugliss (3/6) Alexis Czajka (3/7) Shelly Davenport (3/7)
Zoie Christie (3/9) Justin Lee (3/9) Jennifer Dermody (3/11)
Sharon Metz (3/11) Bill Smereka (3/12) Mitch Lewis (3/13)


Please Pray This Week For Healing:        

Lee Jerry Zavadil Maureen Kohn
Jerry John Kurth Marsha Childress
Pete Fernandes Jean Fernandes Andrew Brunell
Philip Metz, Sr Linda Petras Judy Williams
Michael Gratz Charles Carol Tyler Gacioch
Robert Christopher Bradley
Greg Larkin Lola Boyd Jackson Bruce Beidler
Joan Klose Thomas Thompson George Faistenhammer
Joan Haggard John Haggard

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military  Drew, Jimmy Adams, AJ Allen, Billie Ray Brewer, John Chambers, J.B. Faistenhammer, Cristopher Gernand, Devon Goyert, Steven Grzywa Jr., Matt Hertl, Keith Johnson, Laura Levillier,  Blake Liddle, Ken Matthews, Buckley Neal, PJ Ramsey, Brett Ready, Ronald Riling, Christopher Rodgers, Kristina Rodgers, Bettina Sauter, Jonathan Southerland, Jeff Speer, and Travis Tam.

To ensure our Lists are current petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission. Names may be re-submitted any number of times to