July 26, 2015


Send yours to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net

Vanessa and AJ wedding

Vanessa Hooper-Yan and AJ Allen were married on July 8, in Lawton, OK.

MASS BY THE GRASS Sunday Aug.2 Weather permitting we will worship under the sky on Sunday, August 2, at our 10am service. We will put folding chairs on the front asphalt to give everyone a firm footing, where we will worship in the morning shade. If you can help set up the space please let us know at office@saintjamesgi.net .

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL begins Monday, August 3  This year’s program is “GOD RULES!” We will learn about the Ten Commandments, the work of the Old Testament Prophets, hear the teachings of Jesus, and learn the Greatest Commandment of them all. Plus Crafts, Games, Science, Snacks and Song! Learn more and register online . Classes for children preschool – 5th grade.   Adults in supporting roles and older children are welcome! For more information contact Nancy Crysler (ncrysler@comcast.net)

Summer Choir Returns August 2ndMeet on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am in the choir room. No experience required. No vesting, low pressure, come and sing for joy!

A Downriver Deanery Eucharist  is held weekly in Bishop Park in Wyandotte on Wednesdays at 6:30pm through August 26th (weather permitting). All are welcome.

Playscape Progress thank you to Harold, Bernie and Curt for their hard work updating our playscape!

Wiley postcard frontWiley and the Hairy Man, a family friendly play directed by Krista Ewbank (our secretary), will be presented August 1, 2, 8 and 9 at 2pm at the new Market Center Park and Amphitheater in Southgate (in the shopping center at the corner of Eureka and Trenton, near the MJR movie theater).  Enjoy an afternoon in the park with this inventive, spine-tingling tale about a boy named Wiley using his wits to overcome his fears.  Tickets are $5 for kids, $10 for adults.  There is tiered lawn seating, you are encouraged to bring blankets or chairs.  More info at openbooktc.com

New Signs  New room and directional signs have been placed throughout the building as memorial gifts in Warren Johnson Sr. and  Bill Lorenz’s memory. We hope they make our facility more friendly for newcomers and members alike.

Women on Wednesdays (WOW) meets weekly from 7-9pm in member’s homes to discuss a book of spiritual significance. There’s no homework, because all the reading is done together. Our latest book tells the story of “Women in the Bible.”.There is time for reading, discussion, and catching up with each other.  Call Carolyn Hoey (558-9312) for more information.

A Rebuild the Churches Benefit Concert is being coordinated by the diocese. The one-hour Gospel Choirs concert is being held on Sunday, August 9, from 4-5pm, at “Church of the Messiah,” an Episcopal Church in Detroit on 231 E. Grand River.  All proceeds go to help rebuild historic black churches burned recently  in the American South.  Learn more by clicking HERE.

A Race Relations and Diversity Task Force is being organized by the Diocese. Learn more by clicking HERE.

Puttin’ on the Green The Saint James Puttin’ on the Green miniature golf party is taking place on Saturday morning, August 15 at Sportway of Brownstown, 19640 Allen Road.  Please come at 10:30 AM to register for prizes, receive last minute instructions, and pick out your lucky putter and colored golf ball.  At 11:00 we will be teeing off in a shotgun start, each foursome starting from a different hole, followed by a  pizza and pop lunch.  A number of prizes will be awarded, as well as a perpetual trophy.  All of this for only $10, $5 for children under 6.  All proceeds will go to the Saint James Chapel Fund. Who do you know that would like to putter around with you?!  Sign up a foursome… put your heads together and think of a cute / clever team name.  Look for sign-up sheets in Galloway Hall.  Please sign up by Thursday, August 13 so we will know how many pizzas we will need to order and how much pop to purchase.  Questions or comments?  Contact David Hartwell — 313 318-9009 or dhartwell4@yahoo.com.

Dementia Education Series The Interfaith Council announces a series of 10 programs called “Dementia Educational Series II” offered through the downriver Vicariate. This series will run monthly and be hosted at a different downriver church beginning August 8th at Our Lady of the Woods Parish, 21891 Gudith Rd in Woodhaven. The series is presented by HOPE Dementia Ministry LLC – Bringing light to the darkness for those living with dementia and their care partners through education. Each presentation is free and a spiral-bound booklet of information covered during the presentation is available for a donation of $5.

Journey to midnightRed Doors Chapel Series – Underground Railroad Lantern Walking Tour
Saturday, August 29, 7:00 PM,  spaces limited.  Sign – up in Galloway Hall or call Kate Hartwell 313 318 3275.  Hear the incredible stories of the brave people who risked their lives escaping the horrors of slavery, prominent abolitionists who aided them, and influential politicians who courageously raised their voices against oppressive ideology and changed the course of history.  Lisette will be there!

Free Books Father Phil is slimming down his collection.  Stop in the library and peruse the books on the table.  Take home any that interest you!

Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen:    Our next day of service will be Sat. Sept. 19:  St. James will do this day alone.  There will be 2 shifts.   We will not be serving in August, as Sacred Heart will work this day themselves.

Join us for Coffee and Fellowship After the 10am Service in Galloway Hall.

Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/saintjamesgi for regular articles and photos!

An On-going Bible Study is held each Sunday at 9 AM in the Fireplace Room.

Fr. Phil’s Open Office Hours are every Tuesday from 4:30-6:30pm. These are open drop-in hours, so you do not need an appointment. These meetings are usually 30 minutes or less. For a longer meeting call or email ahead to schedule a time.

Join us for a Weekday Eucharist every Wednesday at 10:15 am in the chapel. Wednesdays at 11 am join us for a spontaneous potluck in Galloway Hall.




Birthdays this week: 

Gregg Barton (7/27) Lisa Glover (7/29) Ed Will (7/29)
Jean Fernandes (7/30) Loren Hoffman (8/1) Walda Hura (8/1)
Adrienne Gorris Gall (8/2) Randy Mammo (8/2)

Wedding Anniversaries:

Jennifer & Bradley Buhl (7/26) Susan & Warren K. Johnson (7/26)
Jill & Jay Craig (7/29) Walt & Kira Carroll (8/1)

Healing prayers for:            

Lee Jerry Zavadil David Crysler
Joanne John Kurth Marsha Childress
Pete Fernandez Jean Fernandez Andrew Brunell
Jerry Van Johns Charles
Stephen Conner Dylan Neal Carol Tyler Gacioch
Robert Michael Gratz Dorothy Galloway Crooks
Judy Williams Julieanne Kohn Andrew

Pray for the infirm & homebound:

Sally Frisch

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military: Drew, Jimmy Adams, AJ Allen, Billie Ray Brewer, John Chambers, J.B. Faistenhammer, Cristopher Gernand, Devon Goyert, Steven Grzywa Jr., Matt Hertl, Keith Johnson, Laura Levillier,  Blake Liddle, Ken Matthews, Buckley Neal, PJ Ramsey, Brett Ready, Ronald Riling, Christopher Rodgers, Kristina Rodgers, Bettina Sauter, Jonathan Southerland, Jeff Speer, and Travis Tam.

To ensure our Lists are current  Petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission.  Names may be re-submitted any number of times to office@saintjamesgi.net.