April 10, 2016


Send yours to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net

Sylvia lighting candles

Sylvia Booth lighting the candles

HAPPY EASTER  May your Great Fifty Days be joyous!

Learn About The Star Of Bethlehem at ECW’s Monday Night Program on April 11th.  We will begin with a pot luck salad dinner at 6:30. We will then watch the movie “Star of Bethlehem,”  a scientific exploration of the actual star constellations at the time of Christ’s birth  to prove there really was a star that the Wise Men and Shepherds could follow to find the birthplace of Jesus.  This program is for everyone, not just for the ladies.

The Retreat Scheduled for This Weekend has been cancelled.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Our Spring Rummage Sale is May 6 & 7. Items will be accepted beginning April 17.  Please wait until then to deliver rummage.

The Ten-Week Preparation For Confirmation is under way for 7 students: Andrew Ador Johnson, Warren Johnson, William Johnson, Abbey McNeill, Emma Rankine, Tommy Shumate, and Hannah Thomas.  Please pray for these special young people confirming their faith on April 24.

The Bishop is Coming!  Make sure to be in attendance on Sunday, April 24, for the bishop’s triennial visitation, which will include CONFIRMATIONS of our teens.

ONE SERVICE FOR THE BISHOP’S MORNING  The bishop has asked that all Saint James’ members gather together in one service “signifying the oneness of the church, in the presence of a bishop, the sacramental person charged with guarding the church’s unity.” We gather at 10AM on Sunday, April 24.

IMPORTANT:  For lay people there are three key actions that can happen only in the presence of a bishop: Reaffirming Your Faith; being Received Into The Episcopal Church; and Confirming The Faith Of Your Baptism. These three actions for adults will happen at the bishop’s visit on April 24. To do any of the above you must inform Fr. Phil of your intention and attend a two-hour preparation class on either Wednesday, April 20, from 6:30 to 8:30pm, or Saturday, April 23, from 1:30 to 3:30pm. The class will be led by Fr. Phil. We will discuss the heart of Christianity, and engage your thoughts and questions about living a life of faith.

No Sunday School April 24 so the children can experience worship with the Bishop, and see the teens being Confirmed. If you have children in your household consider sitting up front. Being closer to the action is more engaging for children and adults alike.

Kroger Community Rewards Enrollment Time:  It is April and time once again to re-enroll in the Kroger Community Rewards Program.  Last year your participation earned Saint James over $2500….just by using your Kroger Plus Card.  But you MUST be a member of the program.  The new cycle begins May 1 and runs through April 30, 2017, so you must re-enroll/enroll now.  If Lynn Blanks has previously enrolled you, then she has already re-enrolled you in the program.  If you enrolled yourself, using your personal email address and password, you must do so again.  Follow the instructions listed below. It takes less than 5 minutes.  If you have never participated, click on “Create an Account.”

Our Annual Detroit Riverboat Cruise June 11th.  The cruise will be catered this year! Like last year an informal Saturday Communion in the Park will be held just before the boat trip begins.

We’re Updating Our Picture Directory  If you’d like to add or update your picture in the directory please send an electronic photo to office@saintjamesgi.net.  Please also send any corrections and additions to phone, address and e-mail.  Look for the new version in the fall!

Don’t Have a Directory? Pick up a directory on the table outside the office. When the pile gets low we’ll print another 15.

Beginner’s Belly Dance is Back!  Have fun learning the basics of this ancient dance form and have fun shaking and shimmying!  Erica Chappuis will be teaching this free one hour class again each Wednesday through May 18 (omitting May 4th for rummage set up).  Wear comfortable, stretchy clothes.  Hip shawls and veils will be provided or bring your own.  Erica has taken belly dance for 12 years and attended workshops in Hawaii and Ann Arbor.  Meet in Galloway Hall, 7pm.

Instructions To (Re)Enroll In The Kroger Community Rewards Program:

  1. Go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com
  2. Hit sign in….put in your email address and password.
  3. At the top of the screen, select Community—–then click on Community Rewards which is listed below Community.
  4. Hit Enroll Now.
  5. Hit Re-enroll (if you are re-enrolling)
  6. Enter our organization number 82842 and hit Search.
  7. Click on the little circle next to St. James Episcopal Church
  8. Below the circle click on Enroll.
  9. At the top of the next screen it should say in green that you are enrolled and thank you for participating.
  10. Scroll up a bit further to Sign Out.

Get Out There With Outreach by helping prepare and serve a meal at the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen on April 16th (Sacred Heart has the day off). If you signed up but cannot come, or if you have any questions, please call Amy Kohair at 734-693-0694. There will be 2 shifts:      Prep: Meet in our chapel parking lot at 8:20am.  We will load the cars and head downtown. You will be done before 11:30. Serving: Please be at Spirit of Hope (1519 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Detroit) before 11:30. You will be on your way home by 1:45. Directions can be found on the Outreach Bulletin Board in the hallway.

What is a Green Burial? Today we typically hand over the body of our loved ones to professionals. But this was not always the case. It is legal and possible to care for your loved one yourself, after their death. Fr. Phil is asking parishioner volunteers to attend an informational session about home death care and green burial and share what you’ve heard. The 90-minute program is being held at Ann Arbor’s Canterbury House on Earth Day, April 22 (Friday), from 7-8:30pm. Find out more at afterdeathhomecare.com. If you can do this, please notify Fr. Phil.

A New Book Study is meeting at Saint James’ on Thursday mornings at 10:30am. Beginning and ending with centering prayer, most of the time is spent discussing the reading selection for a week on Faith, by such authors as Thomas Aquinas, Ghandi, C. S. Lewis, Augustine of Hippo. Contact the office to find out more.

We Continue To Collect Diapers for the “Bottoms Up” diaper program in collaboration with Grosse Ile Presbyterian.  The diapers are distributed to qualified, low-income families with babies and toddlers through Fish & Loaves, a local food pantry in Taylor, MI. Diapers and coupons can be placed in the box in the hallway.  If you have any questions or to make a monetary donation please contact: Jane Colwell (734-671-9446) or Susan Lowery (734-675-0417)

Not Your Conventional Bottle Drive! St. Frances Cabrini Free Clinic located in Corktown can use your old prescription bottles.  The Cabrini Free Clinic is the oldest free clinic not only in Detroit, but in the nation.  Andy June will be volunteering at the clinic and will happily take the donated prescription bottles to be used in their pharmacy.  Please remember to remove all labels prior to donating them.  There is a donation basket set up in the hallway across from the office.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Andy!

New Group Studies are being offered through Saint James. Join us Sunday mornings at 9:05 in the Fireplace Room. A second weekly Study runs on Thursday mornings at 10:30am in the Library. Sign up on the Bulletin Boards by the front doors or email goodnews@saintjamesgi.net.

A Weekday Eucharist focused on the life of a saint is held every Wed. at 10:15am.

Fr. Phil’s Open Office Hours are every Tuesday from 4:30-6:30pm.

Coffee and Fellowship follow the 10am Service every Sunday in Galloway Hall. Volunteers are always needed. To host contact Joan Hemsworth (734-675-8191).


Email goodnews@saintjamesgi.net if you want to serve in one of these capacities.

April 10  
Altar Guild Sue Hartley, Carolyn Hoey, Marilou Arvin
8am 1st lesson reader Mark McPherson
8am Eucharistic Minister Tom Coleman
10 am 1st lesson reader Marcie Treadwell
10am 2nd lesson & chalice Andrew Johnson
10am prayers & chalice Warren Johnson
Ushers Dave & Judy Christie, Walt Denson, Jack Hartley
Greeters Dave & Judy Christie
10 am Crucifer Andrew Johnson
10am Acolytes

Prayer Team

Landon Johnson & Jessica Roekle

Herman Rugel & Linda Shannon


Below are some things that St. James would love to have, but the budget does not allow them at this time. If one of these items speaks to your heart, please make a donation toward the purchase. All partial gifts will be gratefully accepted and put toward the total cost. Also, if you see or think of something that should be on this list, please let us know.

  1. New plexiglass on the Evangelists window   $6,000
  2. Island-wide Evangelism mailing $3,000
  3. Landscape and decorate area outside breezeway
  4. New windows for Galloway Hall

Several gifts have been recently given for our Sunday School rugs and tablecloths! Thank you, thank you, and thank you!


🎵 🎶 🎶🎵  MUSIC NOTES  🎵🎶🎶 🎵

A Weekly Series by Daniel Susan, our Minister of Music

There is a saying, sometimes attributed to St. Augustine, “if you want to know what we believe, listen to our songs.” The 50 days of Easter give us the opportunity to see this musical mission in action – and yes, when we sing together it IS mission. We hear of the apostles who realize that the man in their midst is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ when he breaks bread with them. We sing those words every week during the Easter season when the bread is broken before communion; we sing what we believe. Likewise in the  Song of Praise sung each week in this Paschal season, the words from Revelation are repeated. “And so to him, who sits upon the throne, and to Christ the Lamb, be worship and praise, dominion and splendor, for ever and for evermore.” If you want to know what we believe, listen to our songs. Splendor indeed!



We Celebrate Birthdays This Week

  Libby Dinwiddie (4/10) Claire Buhl (4/10) Eric Czajka (4/11)
  Chelsea Dingus (4/11) Dimitri Winsky (4/11) Blanche Hutchison (4/12)
  Camron Barton (4/13) Carole Gacioch-Tyler (4/13) Gabriel Garza (4/13)
  Julieanne Kohn (4/15) Thomas Coleman, III (4/15) Robert Sauter (4/15)
  Cassandra Lazorka (4/16) Alexander Dermody (4/17)  


Please Pray This Week For Healing:        

  Lee Jerry Zavadil Maureen Kohn
  Jerry John Kurth Marsha Childress
  Pete Fernandes Jean Fernandes Andrew Brunell
  Philip Metz, Sr Linda Petras Judy Williams
  Mary Charles Carol Tyler Gacioch
  Robert Christopher Bradley
  Terri Thurlow Lola Boyd Jackson Bruce Beidler
  Joan Klose Cliff Mace Dan Boyd
  Christian William Cindy Allison Bell
  Chris Schuster Don Barbeau Pat Smith

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military  Drew, Jimmy Adams, AJ Allen, Billie Ray Brewer, John Chambers, J.B. Faistenhammer, Cristopher Gernand, Devon Goyert, Steven Grzywa Jr., Matt Hertl, Keith Johnson, Laura Levillier,  Blake Liddle, Ken Matthews, Buckley Neal, PJ Ramsey, Brett Ready, Ronald Riling, Christopher Rodgers, Kristina Rodgers, Bettina Sauter, Jonathan Southerland, Jeff Speer, and Travis Tam.

To ensure our Lists are current petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission. Names may be re-submitted any number of times to office@saintjamesgi.net.