August 16, 2020


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Lois Zook takes a moment for prayer after watering the flowerpots.


TODAY’S YOUTUBE SERVICE from Fr. Phil is here:

THE SUNDAY 10AM SERVICE WILL BE CANCELLED whenever it is raining. This is due to the bishop’s guidance and the governor’s guidance that we should not have gatherings in the building of approximately 10 people or more. If the weather is iffy we will still plan to meet until the last minute. Services on Youtube will continue to be posted throughout this time.

AN OUTDOOR CONCERT by Barry VanEngelen will be held on the front lawn of St. James, Friday August 28, 2020 at 6:30pm. Bring a lawn chair and your own goodies, and come forget your troubles for an hour or so! Quiet singing through masks will be allowed at this event.

THE FALL RUMMAGE SALE will not be held due to the global pandemic. We are very sorry. We hope to see you in the Spring!

GLUTEN FREE WAFERS are always available. Request one any time.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP with the annual audit, please contact Charlotte Campeau at or 734-379-9670.

YOUTUBE SERVICES continue to be made by Fr. Phil for every Sunday. To find this week’s service click the “SUNDAY SERVICES” link at

FOR CONTACT TRACING: 1) If we do no have your email address on file, please email with “CONTACT TRACING” in the Subject Line before you leave church today. 2) If you ever learn you were contagious at a Saint James event, contact us immediately. 3) Keep track of when you attend Saint James. If we discover someone was contagious at a Saint James event we will contact all on our list.