August 9, 2015


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johnson wedding - 18 years ago

 Warren and Sue Johnson – 18 years ago!

The so-called “Gospel” of Thomas  will be discussed at our weekly Sunday morning Bible Studies beginning in mid-August. This text of supposed sayings of Jesus was dug up with the Dead Sea Scrolls in the 1950’s. Few scholars believe it is genuine in its entirety, but there are interesting and surprising versions of Jesus’ parables. It is also a fascinating window into the beliefs of some early Christians.  Join us at 9am in the Fireplace Room.

We Had a Wonderful Week at VBS with over 40 children attending.  Check out the photos at the end of this GNW, and look for pictures to be added soon to our facebook page and website!

Summer Choir is Back In Action Meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am in the choir room. No experience required. No vesting, low pressure, come and sing for joy!

Wiley postcard frontWiley and the Hairy Man, a family friendly play directed by Krista Ewbank (our secretary), will be presented August 8 and 9 at 2pm at the new Market Center Park and Amphitheater in Southgate (in the shopping center at the corner of Eureka and Trenton, near the MJR movie theater).  Enjoy an afternoon in the park with this inventive, spine-tingling tale about a boy named Wiley using his wits to overcome his fears.  Tickets are $5 for kids, $10 for adults.  There is tiered lawn seating, you are encouraged to bring blankets or chairs.  More info at

HIStory, a performance with new praise and worship music togetherwith scripture to tell HIS story will be presented at 4pm, Saturday, August 8th at Faith Christian Church, 25201 W. Outer Drive in Melvindale. Free admission.

A Rebuild the Churches Benefit Concert is being coordinated by the diocese. The one-hour Gospel Choirs concert is being held this Sunday, August 9, from 4-5pm, at “Church of the Messiah,” an Episcopal Church in Detroit on 231 E. Grand River.  All proceeds go to help rebuild historic black churches burned recently  in the American South.  CLICK HERE for more information.

Looking For Lay Readers And Lay Eucharistic Ministers (Lem) Have you ever wanted to participate in the church service but weren’t quite sure how to go about it?   Maybe your schedule is busy during the week and Sunday is the only time you have free for church.  I have an answer for you: become a reader or Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM).  These ministries do not cost any more of your time but the time you spend in church on Sunday.  Readers typically do the first reading and one of the LEM’s will do the second reading.   LEM’s also do the prayers and both LEM’s help with serving communion.  This is such a special way to celebrate the service, up close and personal.  Many people are nervous when they first start out, I was as was my husband Jerry.  But all you have to remember is that you are in the most forgiving place there is, your church in front of your church family.  Please consider this important and needed service to Saint James.  If you are interested or just want to talk about it please don’t hesitate to contact me via telephone or email. I will be happy to discuss this with you.  Marilynn Lange (734-795-6476) or

Eleanor George has moved.  You can reach her via her old phone number, 734-675-0559, or her new address: The Waterforld, 7100 South Wilkinson Way Ap. 111, Perrysburg, OH 43551.

Please Check our Coat Racks for any items that might belong to you.  Items still there by the end of September will be sold in the Rummage Sale.

Puttin’ on the Green miniature golf party is Saturday, August 15 and you, your children, and your grandchildren are invited to come “play”.  There will be puttin’, pizza, pop, and prizes.  Will you be able to join us?  Please take a moment to RSVP.  We need to know how much pizza to order and how much pop to purchase.  Call, text, or email your RSVP to David Hartwell at or 313 318-9009.  Questions about Puttin’ on the Green and the two ways you can “play”?  Call, text, or email David Hartwell.  Come “play”.  It will be fun for young and old alike.

Red Doors Chapel Series – Underground Railroad Lantern Walking Tour Saturday, August 29, 7-10 PM. The tour is full, thank you for the overwhelming response!  I will have a complete information package including time line, driving and ride details, maps etc. after both the 8:00 and 10:00 service on Sunday, August 16. The cost of the tour is $25.00 per person and will be due at that time. Please make checks payable to Kate Hartwell.  If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 313 318 3275.

Our Next Rummage Sale is Oct 2 and 3.  We will begin collecting rummage on September 14th.  We cannot accept rummage earlier due to the need to access that space, and for fire safety.

Join us for Coffee and Fellowship After the 10am Service in Galloway Hall.

Follow us on Facebook at for regular articles and photos!

An On-going Bible Study is held each Sunday at 9 AM in the Fireplace Room.

Fr. Phil’s Open Office Hours are every Tuesday from 4:30-6:30pm. These are open drop-in hours, so you do not need an appointment. These meetings are usually 30 minutes or less. For a longer meeting call or email ahead to schedule a time.

Join us for a Weekday Eucharist every Wednesday at 10:15 am in the chapel. Wednesdays at 11 am join us for a spontaneous potluck in Galloway Hall.



Birthdays this week: 

Jason Bandy (8/9) Emily Kiblawi (8/9) James Brock, Jr.  (8/11)
Sue Hartley (8/11) Russ Atkinson (8/12) Susan Corpe (8/13)
Jackson DePaul (8/13) Kelsey Haddix (8/13) Maxwell Karl (8/13)
Diane Larkin (8/15) Herman Rugel (8/15)

Wedding Anniversaries:

Christina & Matthew Armbruster (8/9) Jill & Bill Smereka (8/11)
Heather & Steven DePaul (8/12) Pam & Neil Keller (8/12)
Linda and Charles Kurth (8/13) Lynn & Paul Blanks (8/14)
Amy & Frank Kohair (8/15)

Healing prayers for:            

Lee Jerry Zavadil David Crysler
Joanne John Kurth Marsha Childress
Pete Fernandez Jean Fernandez Andrew Brunell
Jerry Van Johns Charles
Stephen Conner Dylan Neal Carol Tyler Gacioch
Robert Michael Gratz Dorothy Galloway Crooks
Judy Williams Julieanne Kohn Andrew
David Craig

Pray for the infirm & homebound:

Sally Frisch

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military: Drew, Jimmy Adams, AJ Allen, Billie Ray Brewer, John Chambers, J.B. Faistenhammer, Cristopher Gernand, Devon Goyert, Steven Grzywa Jr., Matt Hertl, Keith Johnson, Laura Levillier,  Blake Liddle, Ken Matthews, Buckley Neal, PJ Ramsey, Brett Ready, Ronald Riling, Christopher Rodgers, Kristina Rodgers, Bettina Sauter, Jonathan Southerland, Jeff Speer, and Travis Tam.

VBS – God Rules!

VBS collage