January 10, 2016


Send yours to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net

nancy c putting away costumes

After the shepherds returned to the fields. Nancy Crysler lovingly packed away the trappings of the pageant.

Jesus Dollars  If you give electronically you can now place special “I Gave Electronically” cash into the offering plate. Find them on the table across from the main office. Saintjamesgi.net/contribute

Richard III will be the subject of Monday Evening’s ECW Program.  Join us at 6:30 p.m. for a simple dinner (food is provided, you don’t need to bring anything).  At 7pm Dianne Batch will present her program about the life of this fascinating Medieval British King. Dianne is a long time member of the Richard III Society and active in Community Theater.  Her presentation will prove to be lively and extremely interesting!

An ECW General Meeting will be held today in the fireplace room at 11:15.

Ministry Area Reports are due on Monday, January 11 to be included in our parish Annual Report.  If you are the leader of any ministry, club, guild, organization or group, please submit a report to office@saintjamesgi.net

An All-Parish Potluck & Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 31st, at 11:15 am.  Bring a little something and we’ll celebrate over a nice meal!

Shake and Shimmy in a beginner’s belly dance class.  Come join this free introductory course taught by Erica Chappuis and have some fun while learning these ancient steps. This gentle dance is great exercise and is suited to every body in just about every shape. Dress for complete comfort and stretchability (leggings, leotards, yoga pants, t-shirts etc., are all great). Some hip scarves, veils and a few other props will be available so you can try them. Erica has taken belly dance for 12 years and been to performance workshops in Hawaii and Ann Arbor. Wednesday evenings at 7pm through February 3 in Galloway Hall.

Questions You’ve Always Wondered About will be the sole topic of a sermon or two in January. Please send your questions to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net or submit a question anonymously by passing it under the rector’s door. The more questions the better!

The Vestry is the name of the elected leadership body of each Episcopal Church. Our vestry consists of 12 persons who together guide the program, budget and vision of the church. A strong vestry is a diverse vestry consisting of people of different ages, experience, and expertise. Please talk to Fr. Phil to learn more.

A Coffee Bean Grinder is available to all parishioners in the small kitchen. Find an article about this great new benefit to church members on page 6 of this insert.

bauer titleBauer, A Play About The Rise And Fall Of Painter Rudolf Bauer is full of love, art and betrayal.  Directed by Krista Schafer Ewbank (our secretary), the production runs Jan 22 – Feb 6 at Open Book Theatre Company in Southgate.  More information at www.openbooktc.com, or ask Krista!

Weekly Open Bible Studies are held every Sunday Morning in the Fireplace Room at 9:05 am. Join in any time!

Coffee and Fellowship follow the 10am Service every Sunday in Galloway Hall. Volunteers are always needed to hostTalk to Joan Hemsworth if you have any questions (734-675-8191).

Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/saintjamesgi for updates.

Fr. Phil’s Open Office Hours are every Tuesday from 4:30-6:30pm.

A Weekday Eucharist focused on the life of a saint is held every Wed. at 10:15am.


Please send your write-up on church events to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net


Out There With Outreach:  January, February, March & April 2016

Dear Friends,  Thank you so very much for all of your help with the “Christmas Meal” at the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen!  It was a true success!  Sacred Heart prepared a great ham dinner which Saint James served to well over 200 people!  Your amazingly generous donations of beautiful Christmas cookies and the candy poppers, made by our Youth Group, were an enormous hit!  Smiles were beautiful and hearts were filled with the joy of Christmas!

We had a very special crew of Saint James families and friends who did the serving… Sue Anderson and her grandson Timmy, Christine, Zack, & Lindsey Bohl, Joni, Bobby, Danny, Kaylee & Sammie Bohl, Jay, Jill, Trevor & C.J. Craig, Marcie, Greg & Josh Goyert, Diane Larkin, Steve, Kristin & Mitch Lewis, Barry & Lynda VanEngelen, and Joy (now retired) from the Oakwood Hospital O.R., all worked together like a well oiled machine!!!  It is so wonderful to see these families joyfully doing together the “work that God has given us to do”! These children have all been raised by their parents to understand the joy of doing for others and it is a true blessing to have seen them grow in this grace through the years!!!  We are humbled by this sweetness and goodness…

Sat. January 16th is our next turn to prepare the meal at Spirit of Hope.  We will leave our Chapel parking lot at 8:20 a.m. and you will be home way before noon.  Sacred Heart will serve this meal.

Sat. February  20th the Detroit Moose Hockey Team will do the entire day alone. This will give us and Sacred Heart the day off.

Sat. March 19th  Sacred Heart will do the whole day alone, giving us the day off.

Sat. April 16th we will do that whole day alone: cooking and serving.  This will give Sacred Heart the day off.  We will need lots of help for that one!

As always, you will find sign-up sheets to help us at the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen on our bulletin board in the hallway near the “Godly Play” East River Room.  May God bless you all in this new year.

With love always,   Amy & Frank Kohair  734-693-0694


A Note of Gratitude from Dr. Joe Brough on the occasion of being recognized by the parish for his many years of service as Acolyte Master of Saint James:

I have to say whatever success I have achieved as Acolyte Master I owe to many people: adults, teenagers, youngsters, over the last 72 years, too numerous to mention, starting in 1953 with Fr. James McElroy when he and I were the only priest and acolyte for 2 years when he left for service as chaplain in the United States Navy and I to college. (You must read the book “Ark of God” by Isabella E. Swan for succeeding priests following Fr. McElroy.) Others most helpful in my education include Fr. R. Lloyd Hackwell, Fr. Scott Krejci, Fr. Philip, and Lea Elwood Filkins (co-Acolyte Master), and last but not least Mrs. Sally Southerland, who passed the baton to me and Son Andrew. For all the recognizing, I am most thankful. AMEN


A Weekly Series by Daniel Susan, our Minister of Music

The processional hymn uses the word “manifest” twelve times and lists many miracles and events in the life of Jesus as manifestations – epiphanies – of Jesus as God, not just a man. It starts with the magi seeing the baby, includes his baptism by John, the first miracle at Cana, the Transfiguration, and ends with the final days in Jerusalem. Rarely does a hymn of only four stanzas encompass so much of the life of Christ from birth to death and Resurrection. It is by plan not accident that the Church tells us on both the first and the last Sundays in Epiphany that God is “well pleased” with the Son, Jesus; listen to him.


Email goodnews@saintjamesgi.net if you want to serve in one of these capacities.

January 10  
Altar Guild Sue Hartley, Blanch Hutchison, Meren James
8am 1st lesson reader Margaret Horvath
8am Eucharistic Minister Tom Coleman
10 am 1st lesson reader Mike Bisaro
10am 2nd lesson & chalice Blanche Hutchison
10am prayers & chalice Carolyn Hoey
Ushers Walt Denson, Jack Hartley, Robin Knudsen, Chuck Kurth
Greeters Sue Anderson and Robin Knudson
10 am Crucifer Andrew Johnson
10am Acolytes Thomas Shumate, Anna Shumate

Angel List

Suggestions for above and beyond regular giving

Does your ministry area have needs beyond the budget? Send needs with a cost amount to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net.

  1. Area rug for Sunday School classroom $150
  2. New wireless microphone for Fr. Phil $199
  3. Baby Changing Table for the men’s room $179
  4. New plexiglass on the Chapel’s Evangelists window $12,000
  5. Island-wide Easter Mailing $3,000

*All items are run by the wardens before being listed.


If you give electronically but would still like to put something in the offering plate, we now have a solution for you.  Electronic giving cards are now available.  Take as many as you like from the basket on the table outside the church office and put one in the offering plate as it goes by.

electronic giving card


Birthdays This Week

Bradley Buhl (1/10) Susan Faistenhammer (1/10) Curt Crysler (1/12)
Robin Knudson (1/13) Brandon Dinwiddie (1/13) Dennis Bracey (1/14)
Lauren Gurisko (1/16) Patrick Matragrano (1/16) Joseph Engle (1/17)
Jennifer Engle (1/17)

Healing prayers for:         

Lee Jerry Zavadil Dorothy Galloway Crooks
Jerry John Kurth Marsha Childress
Pete Fernandes Jean Fernandes Andrew Brunell
Philip Metz, Sr Linda Petras Judy Williams
Michael Gratz Charles Carol Tyler Gacioch
Michelle Mills Carolyn Hoey Maureen Kohn

Pray for the infirm & homebound

Sally Frisch

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military  Drew, Jimmy Adams, AJ Allen, Billie Ray Brewer, John Chambers, J.B. Faistenhammer, Cristopher Gernand, Devon Goyert, Steven Grzywa Jr., Matt Hertl, Keith Johnson, Laura Levillier,  Blake Liddle, Ken Matthews, Buckley Neal, PJ Ramsey, Brett Ready, Ronald Riling, Christopher Rodgers, Kristina Rodgers, Bettina Sauter, Jonathan Southerland, Jeff Speer, and Travis Tam.

To ensure our Lists are current petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission. Names may be re-submitted any number of times to office@saintjamesgi.net.