November 29, 2015


Send yours to

Wed meal

A Wednesday feast.

Greens Market This Week
The Blessing of the Greens will be Friday at 7pm, and the Sale is Saturday 9am – 2pm.

Greens Market Setup on Saturday November 28th will begin at 8am, setting up the tables, etc.  Department setup will begin at 9am. Many helpers make less work for all!

Popper Supplies are being collected now! The following items are being collected in the large box in the hallway: leftover Halloween candy (check out sales at stores too!), curling ribbon, tape, Christmas wrapping paper, and cardboard tubes from T.P. rolls.  Our youth will assemble the poppers after the 10am service on December 13, and they will be given as gifts when we serve Christmas Dinner at the Spirit of Hope soup kitchen.

The Outdoor Christmas Lights are a new edition, thanks to our Senior High Youth Group, who spent an hour and a half last Sunday conceiving of the layout and stringing the lights. Thank you, teens! The LED lights are very low wattage. They will remain up through the new year.

Tickets For The Grosse Ile Boar’s Head Festival (Dec 10-13) are still available. This non-profit community event involves over 600 people in cast, crew, and choirs. It includes a full orchestra, bagpipe, organ, countless talents and so much more. Most importantly, it celebrates the birth of our Savior.  Kids tickets and Senior tickets available.

Prayer is Powerful, and the 10am Prayer Team is looking for more individuals to help with this important ministry.  Please prayerfully consider if this might be a way for you to serve.  Contact Herman Rugel at 250-3375 for more information.

Place an Order For Scrip Gift Cards and avoid the stress of holiday shopping!  A percentage of the gift card comes back to Saint James. Order forms and the list of over 400 participating retailers are located on the information table.  Orders must be pre-paid.  Make checks payable to St. James Scrip. The last day to order will be Sunday December 13 to ensure holiday delivery. Contact Lynn Blanks (734-676-3967 or for help.

The Collection Drums are filling with socks.  The Saint James family has shown great compassion for the homeless in Detroit by placing new or gently used pairs of socks in the If Feet Could Talk collection drums.  This is the first year for this sock drive, and it began right after all of you had already given so much of yourselves to and for the fall Rummage Sale.  In less than two months one 55 gallon drum is almost full of socks and the other 55 gallon drum is almost half full.  God bless all of you who have already donated or plan to do so in the coming weeks.  Your act of kindness will make a difference in the life of another human being.

Volunteers are always needed to host the coffee hour.  There is not a “special committee” to do this.  Coffee hour happens only if everyone takes a turn making the coffee and bringing simple refreshments.  See Joan Hemsworth if you have any questions (734-675-8191).

The  Gospel  of Thomas  is being considered at our weekly Sunday morning Bible Study held in the Fireplace Room at 9 am. The text was discovered in 1945, and supposedly contains over 100 sayings of Jesus not otherwise recorded in the New Testament. Are they genuine? Come join this drop-in Bible Study.

Coffee and Fellowship follow the 10am Service every Sunday in Galloway Hall.

Follow us on Facebook at for updates.

Fr. Phil’s Open Office Hours are every Tuesday from 4:30-6:30pm.

A Weekday Eucharist focused on the life of a saint is held every Wed. at 10:15am.


Please send your write-up on church events to



As we prepare for this year’s Greens Market, ECW looks forward to your support for another successful year!  Everyone is welcome to come help- new comers, men and members alike!

 Dates for Greens Market:

Saturday, November 28, 8:00 A.M. Set-up (note:time change)
Monday-Friday, Nov 30 Dec 4, 9:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. Work week
Monday-Thursday, Nov-30-Dec 3, 6:00 P.M. – 10 P.M. additional work times
Friday, Dec 4th 7:00 P.M. – Open House
Saturday Dec 5th 9:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. Greens Market Sale Day
Saturday Dec 5th 2:00 P.M. Clean-up

Invite your friends!
Help get word out via social media.  Three easy steps.  1. Please visit the Face Book event page titled “Historic St. James Greens Market” 2. Invite all your local friends. 3. Share it on your page for visibility.  Thank you, we really appreciate it!

Order Forms
Pick up an order form on the info table, and return to the church office!

Homebaked goods needed for the sale
Pull out your holiday recipes and consider baking something for the goodies table.  Any desserts, sweets, breads or preserves are most welcome!  Please drop them off on Friday Dec 4th or the morning of the sale before 9:00A.M.

A Volunteer is Needed to Make Little wooden Tree Frames
They are cut and really need to be assembled. Contact Collie at 671-1831.

Bring Your Little Tree Frame
and you’ll be credited $1.50 off your next Green’s Market purchase!

A Weekly Series by Daniel Susan, our Minister of Music

 The culture has shouted “CHRISTMAS” at us for some weeks yet the Church says “wait, it’s NOT Christmas yet. It’s Advent”. I imagine that no change in this will happen until someone finds a way to make a profit from Advent! Meanwhile we sing about our hopes and prayers for the baby Jesus with all the joy of an expectant mother. It’s a more reserved joy than after the birth – there are possible dangers in the meantime, so it’s a quieter happiness – it’s guarded optimism. Clean the house, paint the nursery, scour our hearts, for this baby is going to be the best baby ever and we want everything just as it should be; no more bad habits, right? Thus it is with Advent. We sing of our expectations but we also confess our sins; you won’t hear THAT from the “Christmas-now” culture. Advent in the Western Church maintains “Hallelujah”, unlike Lent, but we temper the “Song of Praise” sung at the start of Sunday Eucharists. Instead we will sing the ancient hymn “Trisagion” borrowed from the Eastern Church. It ends with “have mercy upon us” and helps us clean our spiritual house a little bit, day by day, week by week until the baby arrives and the real celebration can begin. The Trisagion is a short acclamation, easily memorized. Take it out the door as a repeated prayer of both praise and confession. It’s not just for Sunday anymore!


Email if you want to serve in one of these capacities.

November 29  
Altar Guild Michael Glover, Marilou Arvin, Linda Kurth
8am 1st lesson reader Mark McPherson
8am Eucharistic Minister Tom Coleman
10 am 1st lesson reader Larry Crabtree
10am 2nd lesson & chalice Jim Holubka
10am prayers & chalice Blanche Hutchison
Ushers Dave & Judy Christie, Jack Hartley, Chuck Kurth
Greeters Dave & Judy Christie
10 am Crucifer Daijah Tatem
10am Acolytes Jessica Roekle, Zoie Christie

Angel List

Suggestions for above and beyond regular giving

Does your ministry area have needs beyond the budget? Do you have a vision for something that could make a difference to church or the mission of God?

Send needs with a cost amount to

Maybe an angel will bring you Good News!

  1. Life-sized wooden creche for Mary, Joseph, and Jesus $350 + labor
  2. Freebridge billboard for a month $1600
  3. Christmas lights installed on the church front lawn $750+
  4. New plexiglass on the chapel’s Evangelist’s window $12,000
  5. Island-wide mailing $3,000
  6. Area rug for Sunday School classroom $150
  7. Ornamental weeping pine for Memorial Garden $225

*All items are run by the wardens before being listed.

Coming soon?

Featured member/family of the week

familyThis space is currently reserved for highlighting individuals or families in our congregation, featuring a photo and a short write-up.  Could you help
oordinate this? Talk to Father Phil or contact the church office.



 Birthdays This Week

Charles Kurth (11/30) Judy Christie (12/1) Thomas Benson (12/3)
Katherine Lashley (12/4) Henry Benson (12/6)

Wedding Anniversaries

Cathy & Dan Karl (12/3) Jean & Pete Fernandes (11/28)

Healing prayers for:         

Lee Jerry Zavadil Dorothy Galloway Crooks
Jerry John Kurth Marsha Childress
Pete Fernandes Jean Fernandes Andrew Brunell
Philip Metz, Sr Van Johns Nancy Volk
Michael Gratz Charles Carol Tyler Gacioch


Pray for the infirm & homebound

Joe Rogers Sally Frisch

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military  Drew, Jimmy Adams, AJ Allen, Billie Ray Brewer, John Chambers, J.B. Faistenhammer, Cristopher Gernand, Devon Goyert, Steven Grzywa Jr., Matt Hertl, Keith Johnson, Laura Levillier,  Blake Liddle, Ken Matthews, Buckley Neal, PJ Ramsey, Brett Ready, Ronald Riling, Christopher Rodgers, Kristina Rodgers, Bettina Sauter, Jonathan Southerland, Jeff Speer, and Travis Tam.

To ensure our Lists are current petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission. Names may be re-submitted any number of times to