October 11, 2015


Send yours to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net

rummage Gerry Bidari making signs

Gerry Bidari making signs for rummage.

Our Annual Blessing of the Animals will be held on the front lawn today at 11:30am. Fr. Phil will gather with each family to lay hands on your pet. The ceremony will last as long as pets are present. Please keep animals on leashes for safety.

Those Of You With A Pet please raise your hand.  Very good.  With the other hand take a photo of your pet, print it, and then bring the print to church, with the name of your pet, including the last name!, so that it can be displayed on a Blessing of the Animals bulletin board.  Not all of our pets travel well enough to be brought to church to be blessed but we would love to get to know all God’s creatures who live with members of Saint James. Please call David Hartwell at 313 318-9009 or email him at dhartwell4@yahoo.com to reserve your pet’s place on the bulletin board.  All pets are welcome, even those who recently went to heaven.

Need a Little Mystery and Fun in Your Life? We have all had such a hectic and exhausting time working the Rummage Sale.  Now it’s time for the women of our church to do something just for fun.  The ECW has a mystery day trip planned for this coming Monday, October 12th.  We are planning to meet at the Chapel parking lot  at 10:00 am and will car pool to a fun location.  We will explore, have lunch there and return to St. James around 4:00 pm (or 4:00 am if we are really having fun).  Please let Amy Kohair, Mel Bonis or Lynda Van Engelen know if you plan to attend and if you would like to ride, or drive.

Join Us For A Hayride and Campfire on October 17 from 5-9 at Sue Anderson’s and Carl Sander’s home at 11047 Brandon Rd., South Rockwood. All ages welcome. Come enjoy a hayride, bonfire, hot dogs, chili, cider and donuts. Kids can bring fishing poles. We have a pond. Watch for directions in flyer at coffee hour. Questions? Call or text Sue Anderson at 734-558-7106.

Youth Sunday is October 18th! Our children and youth will join us all morning, serving in all the roles of the church.  Please be sure your children are here!

Our Annual Halloween Party is set for Sunday, October 25th from 3-5pm. Keep your eyeballs open for the ghoulish details!

The Trivia Night that was scheduled for this coming Saturday night has been postponed.  It will be rescheduled for next Spring.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Erica's Isaiah paintingThank You to Erica Chappuis whose artwork has graced the cover of the ECW Blue Book for the last two years.

Trenton Soroptimists present BODY & SOLD a documentary play based on interviews with eight American teens who ran away from home and were lured, seduced, or kidnapped and trafficked as prostitutes.  The play will be presented at 4 different locations, each time with speakers:  October 14th at 7:00 P.M. at Woodhaven High School Auditorium,  October 15th at 6:00 P.M. at Wayne State University Community Arts Auditorium, October 16th at 7:00 P.M. at Penelope’s Venue, 12219 Dix Toledo in Southgate and  October 17th at 7:00 P.M. at the Trenton Village Theatre.  Please note that the content is recommended for mature audiences only.

Rummage Sale Meeting this Wednesday, October 4th at 11:45am in the Fireplace Room for all Department Heads and interested parties.

The Heart’s Journey Through the Seasons is a wonderful interfaith opportunity for reflection and rediscovering God’s presence in our lives. This series is inspired by the book, The Circle of Life: The Heart’s Journey through the Seasons by Joyce Rupp & Macrina Wiedrkehr. It is led by Sr. Betty Leon, IHM and is open to all interested adults. The first gathering for autumn will be on Tuesday morning, October 20th from 9:30-11:00am at Sacred Heart Church Parish Center, Room B.  The program will be repeated on Thursday evening October 22nd from 7:00-8:30pm. For more info call Amy Kohair 734-693-0694 or Kate Hartwell at 313-318-3275

holey socksIf Feet Could Talk Sock Ministry is now collecting socks. Do you still have good, usable, extra socks in your drawer at home that you forgot to bag up for rummage? Bring them to church for our St. James Sock Drive! Two barrels, one by the chapel and one by the main church entrance, are open for your donations…for both new or gently used socks. As winter winds approach we will also need help delivering the socks to Detroit homeless shelters and those individuals begging on corners that we frequently pass.

Baptisms Will Be Celebrated Sunday, Nov 1st, All Saint’s Sunday. To inquire about a baptism, speak to Fr. Phil or call the church office.

To Turn OFF the Chapel Lights it is very important that you push-in the button on the slider; sliding the slider all the way down does not turn off the lights, but leaves them on and keeps drawing electricity. Likewise, to turn ON the lights in the chapel, push-in the button on the slider. Sliding the slider all the way up will not turn on the lights unless you first press the button.

To Unlock The Front Doors Of The Church turn the key a half turn, press down the button, then turn the key back straight and remove it. Once inside use the hex key hanging on the door frame to lock the crash-bar open. Thank you.

The Search For A Great Cup Of Coffee is happening now at Saint James.  “In matters of taste, there can be no disputes.”  If the coffee is a little strong for your tastes, simply dilute it by adding a splash of hot water from the red handle hot water faucet on the upper left corner of the brewer.  Please come and try a cup.

Are You Good With Technology? Some of our homebound parishioners have requested Live-Streamed services, or on-demand copies online. Can you help?

A Reflection on Our Shared Christian Heritage For you elsewhere occupied or those of us who had the wherewithal through television or other electronic mechanisms to attend the numerous events of Pope Francis’ visitations: they were truly inspiring — not only the sermons/homilies of Pope Francis, but the splendor of the services, the music, and the choir offerings, which on a weekly or daily basis are continued by the talents of the laity of Saint James and the sermons and homilies of Fr. Phil.

Tutoring  Early Elementary Students Is A Wonderfully Rewarding Experience.  Join a group from Grosse Ile Presbyterian that journeys to Harms elementary in Southwest Detroit every Monday afternoon.  For more information contact Mary Sickafus at mssickafus@u-sit.net.

The  Gospel  of Thomas  is being considered at our weekly Sunday morning Bible Study. The text discovered in 1945 supposedly contains over 100 sayings of Jesus not in the New Testament. Are they genuine? 9am Sundays in the Fireplace Room.

Coffee and Fellowship follow the 10am Service every Sunday in Galloway Hall.

Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/saintjamesgi for updates.

Fr. Phil’s Open Office Hours are every Tuesday from 4:30-6:30pm..

A Weekday Eucharist focused on the life of a saint is held every Weds at 10:15 am.



 It has been suggested that one way to classify Christian hymns is in two types: “Mary” hymns, and “Martha” hymns, as in the New Testament story of Jesus in the home of Mary (not the BVM) and Martha (not Magdalene) of Bethany. “Mary” hymns sit at the feet of Jesus and adore him, and “Martha” hymns tell us to “go and do”. A good balance in the practice of our faith, therefore in our songs, should include both messages but the history of the Church has often displayed various leanings towards one or the other. Today we will sing hymns basically of the “Mary” type but they include a “Martha” message which helps reflect the Old Testament reading and Gospel of the day.



Birthdays this week

Sherri Howes (10/11) Sharon Roe (10/11) Linda Shannon Rugel (10/11)
Erick Garza  (10/11) Bernice Collins  (10/12) Trevor Craig (10/12)
Alexis Davenport (10/12) Mildred Hartwell  (10/12) Lorreen Angellotti  (10/14)
Ryan Kiblawi (10/14) Mary Jo Brough (10/16) Merlin Chappuis (10/16)
Jennifer Matragrano (10/16) Robin Jones (10/16)

Wedding Anniversaries

Angela & Gregg Barton (10/14) Rachel & erick Garza (10/15)
Jennifer & Kevin Dermody (10/17) Amber & Scott Biddle (10/18)

Pray for the Departed:

Dawn Robinson

Healing prayers for:      

Lee Jerry Zavadil David Crysler
Mildred Patti Lewis Marsha Childress
Pete Fernandes Jean Fernandes Andrew Brunell
Jerry Van Johns Don
Stephen Conner Ardsley Carol Tyler Gacioch
Laura John Kurth Dorothy Galloway Crooks
Scarlet Shelia Arbour Daniel Davenport
Philip Metz, Sr Charles Leslie Frisch Hanuscak
Bob Jim Donna Crabtree
Dorothy Jensen Kirk Judy Williams


Pray for the infirm & homebound

Sally Frisch Joe Rogers

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military  Drew, Jimmy Adams, AJ Allen, Billie Ray Brewer, John Chambers, J.B. Faistenhammer, Cristopher Gernand, Devon Goyert, Steven Grzywa Jr., Matt Hertl, Keith Johnson, Laura Levillier,  Blake Liddle, Ken Matthews, Buckley Neal, PJ Ramsey, Brett Ready, Ronald Riling, Christopher Rodgers, Kristina Rodgers, Bettina Sauter, Jonathan Southerland, Jeff Speer, and Travis Tam.

To ensure our Lists are current  Petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission.  Names may be re-submitted any number of times to office@saintjamesgi.net.