September 27, 2015


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Linda ECW pres

Lynda VanEngelen welcomes the ECW ladies at the annual luncheon

Baptisms will be celebrated Sunday, Nov 1st, All Saint’s Sunday. To inquire about a baptism, speak to Fr. Phil or call the church office.

The Boar’s Head Festival is an All-Island Christmas Pageant that involves over 600 island residents as Cast, Crew and Choir. Sign up for cast and crew by dropping in at Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church any time Monday September 28 from  6-9pm, Tuesday September 29 from  6-9pm, or Sunday October 4, from 1-5pm.  Learn more at

Rummage  Sale runs Fri Oct 2nd,  9am-3pm and Sat Oct 3rd 9am-noon.

Saturday Setup On Saturday, September 26, we could use some help from 9-11am, to transform the church in preparation for our Rummage Sale.

Rummage Sale Workweek  Many hands are needed to help distribute tems. Work days are Sept 28 through Oct 1 from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm. We especially need help on Tuesday, as there is a Garden Club luncheon that day that involves many of our normal faithful workers. Volunteers are always welcome to work as much or as little as they can. Rummage is being accepted through Thursday at noon.

Saturday Cleanup Help is Needed for after the Rummage Sale on Saturday, October 3, beginning at 12:00 noon until about 2:30.  We needs lots of people to pack up the leftovers and put the building back in order.  Lunch will be served around 11:30 am. We can start gathering hangers around 10:00 am if anyone would like to come early.  Sale workers are exhausted, so fresh bodies are much appreciated.  Rummage sales are our main source of income for outreach projects and support of Saint James. Newcomers are encouraged to join us.

Make Your Voice Heard Our choir singers devote their time and talent to the support of the Church through her liturgy, sometimes singing alone, but mostly in leadership of the peoples’ song. We are gifted with talented voices but we need more if the congregation is to have the support they have come to expect on the music that we sing together. Prayerfully consider lending your God-given voice to our group. We have strong leaders, but need additional back-up. Feel free to sit in on a rehearsal to see how we work and play, Thursdays, 7.30 pm. St. Augustine said “Singing is for those who love” ~Daniel Susan

The Men’s Breakfast is Sat, Oct. 10 at 8:30am at Mom’s on Fort Street in Trenton.

Are You Techy? Some of our homebound have requested we consider Live-Streaming our services, or recording them on the web. Can you help?

Our Annual Blessing of the Animals will be held on the front lawn Sunday, October 11, at 11:30am. Fr. Phil will personally gather with each family to lay hands on your pet and ask God’s blessing. The ceremony will last as long as pets are present. Please keep animals on leashes or otherwise restrained.

The Open Book Theatre Company kicked off its second season with a production of the Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize winning play, The Shadow Box, running now through Oct 3rd.  Our secretary, Krista, is the artistic director of the company and appears in the play.  For more info visit or talk to Krista!

Join Us For A Hayride on October 17 from 5-9 at Sue Anderson’s and Carl Sander’s home at 11047 Brandon Rd., South Rockwood. All ages welcome. Come enjoy a hayride, bonfire, hot dogs, chili, cider and donuts. Kids can bring fishing poles. We have a pond. Watch for directions in flyer at coffee hour. Questions? Call or text Sue Anderson at 734-558-7106.

sock driveIf Feet Could Talk, the St. James sock ministry, will start collecting pairs of socks to distribute to Detroit homeless shelters and those in need on Oct. 4th.  Look for the collection barrels in the church hallways. For more information about sock drives around the country, check out the following case study about the “Hanes For Good” homeless sock drive at Thanks for caring.

Music Lessons are Being Offered at Saint James with our own Music Minister, Daniel Susan.  Lessons in piano, organ, harpsicord and music theory are offered for all ages and skill levels.  Contact Daniel at 734-258-8754 for more information.

The  Gospel  of Thomas  is being considered at our weekly Sunday morning Bible Study. The text discovered in 1945 supposedly contains over 100 sayings of Jesus not in the New Testament. Are they genuine? 9am Sundays in the Fireplace Room.

The Little Blue Boxes  on the resource table across from the office are for the UTO, the “United Thank Offering” founded in 1889. Each year all the monies gathered are given away in the form of grants to meet compelling human need and support the mission and ministry of the church locally and worldwide.  The fall ingathering (box collection) will take place in November. In gratitude for God’s grace, let’s give generously- your change can change lives.  Thank you, Wendy K.

Check our Coat Racks for any items that might belong to you.  Items still there this week will be sold in the Rummage Sale.

The Diocesan Episcopal Church Women Retreat will be held January 21-23, 2016, at Columbiere Center, Clarkston, MI. The theme is 40 Women of the Bible For more info, contact Beth LeClair at or 248-852-0942.

Coffee and Fellowship follow the 10am Service every Sunday in Galloway Hall.

Follow us on Facebook at for updates.

An On-going Bible Study is held each Sunday at 9 AM in the Fireplace Room.

Fr. Phil’s Open Office Hours are every Tuesday from 4:30-6:30pm..

A Weekday Eucharist focused on the life of a saint is held very Weds at 10:15 am.



Please send your write-up on church events to


The Heart’s Journey Through the Seasons

…a series of gatherings in the pursuit of a place of peace…


What would it be like to take an hour and a half once a month to find a place of peace? This is a wonderful opportunity for reflection and rediscovering God’s presence in our lives, open to all adults.  Inspired by the book “The Circle of Life” by Joyce Rupp & Macrina Wiederkehr, the series will be led by Sister Betty Leon at Sacred Heart Parish Center, across from Parke Lane Elementary School.  The First Gathering for Autumn will be held on Tuesday morning, October 20th, from 9:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.  For the convienience of all, the same gathering will be repeated on the evening of Thursday, October 22nd, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.  Please park in the U shaped drive in front, or in the small lot on the North side.  Walk in the front doors and turn left and go to Room B.

This will be somewhat different from a straight forward Bible study, it will be more of a time of listening and reflection.  What is happening in the Seasons of the year and how it is reflected within each of us at those times, will be explored.  We will meet once each month, in the same place, with a Tuesday morning gathering, followed on the next Thursday evening by an identical program so that you may choose the time most convienient for you that month!  During the Winter Season, we will not be gathering in December…This is a “Boar’s Head” year, as we all know, and there is also so much to be done in each of our own parish lives as we prepare for the coming of Christ!  Each pair of monthly gatherings is a “stand alone” program so you may feel free to join in at anytime without feeling a need to catch up, or being left out!  Each month, the dates and times will be listed in this place under “The Heart’s Journey Through the Seasons Gathering”.  Let’s give this a try!  It will prove to be a lovely experience shared with our fellow Christians.  If you have any questions, your Saint James contacts are:  Kate Hartwell: 313-318-3275  and  Amy Kohair 734-693-0694

boar's head sign up half page color



Birthdays this week

Thomas Lashley (9/27) Don Hartwell (9/27) Jennifer Lee (9/28)
Sydney Sexton (9/30) Lucas Miklos  (9/30) Gabrielle Glover (9/30)
Gary Gorris (10/1) Allie Tabarez  (10/1) Cathy Kalafut  (10/3)

Wedding Anniversaries

Lisa & Greg Glover (9/28) Mildred & Don Hartwell (9/28)
Heather & John Haggard (9/29) Becca & Kenneth Bearden (10/2)

Healing prayers for:          

Lee Jerry Zavadil David Crysler
Mildred Patti Lewis Marsha Childress
Pete Fernandes Jean Fernandes Andrew Brunell
Jerry Van Johns Don
Stephen Conner Ardsley Carol Tyler Gacioch
Laura Graham Frazelle Dorothy Galloway Crooks
Scarlet Colleen Lough Daniel Davenport
Philip Metz, Sr Charles Leslie Frisch Hanuscak
John Kurth Shelia Arbour


Pray for the infirm & homebound

Sally Frisch Joe Rogers

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military  Drew, Jimmy Adams, AJ Allen, Billie Ray Brewer, John Chambers, J.B. Faistenhammer, Cristopher Gernand, Devon Goyert, Steven Grzywa Jr., Matt Hertl, Keith Johnson, Laura Levillier,  Blake Liddle, Ken Matthews, Buckley Neal, PJ Ramsey, Brett Ready, Ronald Riling, Christopher Rodgers, Kristina Rodgers, Bettina Sauter, Jonathan Southerland, Jeff Speer, and Travis Tam.

To ensure our Lists are current  Petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission.  Names may be re-submitted any number of times to



The editor of The Book of Common Prayer points out that in the first millennium of the Church various hymns were used at the opening, not only the Gloria in Excelsius; it became the norm only because it was the shortest! We will sing the Benedictus es, Domine (Glory to you, Lord) as a return to a more variable “Song of Praise.” Today we also continue to sing the Gradual Psalm to a simple tone. The word “Psalm” means “song” and these have been sung by believers since they were written. We join Jesus, and thousands of years of the faithful in placing these words on our lips and in our hearts with simple, meditative music.