February 12, 2017


Send yours to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net

blanche with bell

Blanche Hutchison plays the low F3 bell

Today is Youth/Scout Sunday. The youth and our scouts will be helping during our service!

Photo Directories are available on the counter in the main office. Walk right in and pick one up!

UTO Ingathering Total- $730.00!!   Many thanks to all who participated in this years’ United Thank Offering. Your prayerful donations in blue boxes, coffee cans and UTO envelopes will make a difference in the lives of our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Look for examples of grant recipients to be posted on the ECW bulletin board soon. Blue Boxes will continue to be available year round in order to express gratitude for our blessings in a tangible way.  Another ingathering will take place in early 2018. Your change truly can change lives.  Thank you!!  Wendy Kiblawi

Vestry Meets Wednesday, February 15th at 7pm in the River Room.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is an extravaganza of chocolate, sugar and friends scheduled for February 28th at 6:00 PM in Galloway Hall. Get in one last Hurrah before the start of Lent!

Ash Wednesday is March 1st. Short services will be held in our chapel from 6:15-6:45am, 10:15-11am & 7-7:40pm. Please make it a priority to attend services at Saint James or near your place of work to mark a holy beginning of Lent.

Lenten Communion Bread  Would you like to bake Communion Bread during Lent? Please contact Krista in the office if you can help.

Emily Beth Runkel (“Beth”), widow of the late Rev. Gilbert Runkel (Rector of Saint James 1970-1979), died Monday, January 23, 2017, at the age of 93. Condolences may be sent to her daughter, Ellen Eagan, at 202 S. 1st Ave, Alpena, MI  49707. A Memorial Service will be planned for some time in the Spring.

The Middle School Youth Group meets twice a month after church for a relaxed conversation. We will cover Bible stories and share our testimonies. Upcoming gatherings: Feb 12 and 26, and March 12, all following the 10 AM service. (Parents can pick up at noon.) We will have snacks!!! Any questions please see Natalia or Anthony or call @ 908-656-0915.

Boxes of Offering Envelopes and packets of yellow Crowley fund envelopes are available on the resource table across from the office. Take some home with you.  When you do, print your name on the attached insert and leave it behind in the same area, on the main office desk, or plate the insert in the offering plate.

A Winter Clothing Drive for Men organized by our Men’s group is now in gear. Saint James is collecting warm winter clothing (coats, scarves, sweaters, gloves, mittens and blue jeans) for those less fortunate.  A collection box will be located outside the office. Thanks in advance for your usual and abundant generosity.  Gently used or new items are welcome!

Love To Read? Take Advantage Of Our Book Exchange!  There’s a shelf outside the kitchen where we encourage you to bring your old books and pick up new ones.

A Children’s Choir  (K-5) meets on Sundays after the 10am service. Talk to Jill Robinson (robinsonjill25@yahoo.com) or Bobby to find out more.

Have You Been Enjoying Our Recital Series?  Mark your calendar for February 25th to hear more great music at Saint James!

Group Studies of many kinds are offered through Saint James. On Sunday mornings we gather at 9:05am in the Fireplace Room for an open Bible Study. On Thursday mornings we meet at 10:30am in the library to discuss short readings from luminaries like Ghandi. On Wednesday mornings we have a 10:15am service of Holy Communion in the chapel. On Wednesday evenings the WOW (Women on Wednesday) group meets in members’ homes for book studies. Contact the office for more information on any of these open studies.

Beginner’s Belly Dance is back!  Every Wednesday at 7pm in Galloway Hall.

Fr. Phil’s Open Office Hours: Drop in for up to half an hour with the rector on any Tuesday between 4:00-6:30 – no appointment necessary! Fr. Phil is also available for hour-long conversations on any day by appointment. Contact him by email: rector@saintjamesgi.net, cell: 734-775-7140 or at the office: 734-676-1727.


Features & Articles

Long-form stories about upcoming events, or events just passed are printed here. Submit a Feature or Article by sending to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net. Photos are always welcome.

ECW & Men’s Ministry Event    February 13th at 6:30pm

St. James was blessed to have as its parishioners for many years Kurt and Sally Frisch. Both have passed now but are forever with us in our memorial garden. Sally was a member of the choir for many years and was responsible for the project which created the beautiful cushions we kneel on at the altar to receive communion.  Kurt was a scientist who founded the Polymer Institute of the University of Detroit Mercy.  Kurt invented many products and received numerous patents on his inventions. He was sought after by corporations all over the world to come share his knowledge with them.  He met many scientists who were also working in the field.  Vahid Sendijarivec and his wife Aisa were brought here by Kurt and mentored in the field. They worked closely with Kurt at UDM and saw how Kurt affected the lives of hundreds of people in a very profound way.  Vahid and Aisa are coming to St. James to share their stories with us.

The ECW and the Men’s Ministry are proud to bring them here on February 13th at 6:30pm. The evening will begin with a PotLuck Meal.  Please sign up for a dish to pass on the list in Galloway Hall or on the information table across from the office.

Please come and help us give a warm St. James welcome to this couple who wish to help us keep the memory of Kurt and Sally alive.



 Please RSVP no later than this Monday evening, February 13 if your social calendar is free next Monday evening, February 20 and you would like to go on a Saint James field trip to watch dartball games being played in a church dartball league.  Dartball is played with special metal tipped darts that are thrown at a dartball board that resembles a baseball field.  No special skills are needed to play the game, just a love of fun!

We will leave the Saint James parking lot no later than 6:30 PM on Monday, February 20 and offer you the choice of carpooling or driving yourself.  The first game starts at 7:30.  If you drive yourself you could watch just one of the 5 nine inning games that will be played and then drive home.  Those of us carpooling will stay for the 5 nine inning games and then socialize with the church dartball league players over snacks before heading back to Saint James.  We should return by 10:00 or so.

Call, text, or email David Hartwell at 313 318-9009 or dhartwell4@yahoo.com to RSVP.  Game on!


THESE ROLES ARE ALWAYS OPEN to new participants.

To join a team contact the office at goodnews@saintjamesgi.net

February 12  
Altar Guild Carole Vandenberg, Cathy Kalafut, Jennifer Engle
8am 1st lesson reader Mark McPherson
8am Eucharistic Minister Tom Coleman
10 am 1st lesson reader Ken Bearden
10am 2nd lesson & chalice Andrew Johnson
10am prayers & chalice Warren Johnson
Ushers Stuart C, Carl Colwell,  Dave & Judy Christie
Greeters Wendy Kiblawi and Lil Overlove
10 am Crucifer Landon Johnson
10am Acolytes Mitch Lewis, Joy Boswell
Prayer Team Maria Turner and Herman Rugel


Below are some things that St. James would love to have, but the budget does not allow them at this time. If one of these items speaks to your heart, please make a donation toward the purchase. All partial gifts will be gratefully accepted and put toward the total cost. Also, if you see or think of something that should be on this list, please let us know.

  1. New tiles for the River Room kitchen – $200
  2. Music for the bell choir – $250

 Thank you, thank you, and thank you!


🎵 🎶 🎶🎵  MUSIC NOTES  🎵🎶🎶 🎵

It’s never too late to join our choirs! The St. James Bell Choir rehearses Thursdays at 6:30PM, and the St. James Adult Choir rehearses Thursdays at 7:30PM. Please let me know if you plan to attend! The children’s choir meets after the 10AM service. All are welcome! Please consider joining in the music at St. James, we have lots of excellent programming this year. If you have reservations about joining that I can smooth over, or even just want to chat and learn some more about music, I’m always happy to talk! I’m easily reached at music@saintjamesgi.net.

This morning’s musical point of interest: Most of the organ music (with the exception of 1 piece at the 8AM) and the choir anthem today are from the 20th century. The 20th century was an eclectic time in music, where different composers all over the world were composing in radically different styles. This morning we will barely scratch the surface in exploring some of the different sonic possibilities the 20th century has to offer. Of particular note is the Larsen anthem; Libby Larsen is an extremely popular composer alive today, and is adept at tone painting and very sensitive in the way she sets the text, particularly this morning’s text by e. e. cummings.

Stay tuned for upcoming music events in the area:

February 25, 7:30PM: Join us in the chapel as Minister of Music Robert Ragoonanan and guests perform music from the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods, in the next installment of our Special Music Series!

March 25, 7:30PM: St. Paul based tenor Benjamin Wegner will join Minister of Music Robert Ragoonanan on the piano in an explosive recital featuring Benjamin Britten’s Holy Sonnets of John Donne and Gustav Mahler’s Kindertotenlieder, right here in Galloway Hall!



We Celebrate Birthdays This Week

Tyler Stepaniak (2/15) Daniel Bohl (2/17) Kaitlin Brock (2/17)
Rachel Garza (2/17) Ray McNeill (2/18) Norma Smereka (2/18)
Erica Chappuis (2/18) Anthony Baker (2/19)

We Celebrate Anniversaries This Week

Diane & Randy Mammo (2/12)

Please Pray This Week For Healing         

Lee Jerry Zavadil Maureen Kohn
Jerry John Kurth Nancy Clark
Pete Fernandes Jean Fernandes Andrew Brunell
Rebecca Grossklaus Tamara Howes Laura Crawford
Allison Bell Charles Michael Stoddart
Joan Klose Jackson Bruce Beidler Annie Krueger
Irene John Art John Rhonda Boitkus
Carol David H Teddy Cleaver
Misty Joe Radelet Amy Brockmiller

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military  AJ Allen, Buckley Neal, Brett Ready, Dr. Bettina Sauter, and Alexander Turin.

To ensure our Lists are current petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission. Names may be re-submitted any number of times to office@saintjamesgi.net.