March 26, 2017


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Julie Kohn, Mary Jo Brought, Joan Hemsworth, Kathy Toth cutting vegetables for the Corned Beef Dinner.

Julie Kohn, Mary Jo Brough, Joan Hemsworth and Kathy Toth cut vegetables for our corned beef and cabbage dinner.

Lenten Potluck & Program continues this week on Wed. 6:15 Evening Prayer, 6:30 Potluck Dinner, 7pm Program. A main course is provided by the host group:

Lent 4— March 29—8  O’Clockers

Lent 5— April 5—— Vestry

Our Music Minister, Bobby Ragoonanan is leading this Wednesday’s Lenten Program.

Honor your Loved Ones on Easter Morning with fresh potted lilies and Festival Brass!  Easter Memorials and Thanksgivings are being accepted now. Names of loved ones will be printed in each Easter Bulletin. Fill out the golden bulletin inserts and return to the office.

Celebrate EASTER at Saint James: Our main Easter Service (with Brass Quartet) will be held at 10 am on Sunday, April 16. An Easter Vigil will be held that morning at 7:30 am. Invite family and friends to these beautiful festival services.

HOLY WEEK All-Night Vigil is accepting sign-ups. Pick a one-hour spot to “watch and wait” with Jesus in the night of Maundy Thursday and early morning of Good Friday. The chapel space has candles, meditation books, and reserved sacrament. The sign-up sheet is on the front window of the main office.

Good Friday Meditations are on the Stations of the Cross this year. Would you offer one of 14 short meditations? Speak to Fr. Phil for details.

Order Your Easter Scrip! Instead of candy in your Easter baskets, give gift cards!  The list containing hundreds of retailers is in on the information desk across from the office.  Give your completed order to Krista in the office or to Lynn Blanks. (676-3967).  Orders must be prepaid.  Checks made out to Saint James Scrip are preferred. The last day to order is Sunday, April 2 to ensure Easter delivery.

Vestry Minutes are always available on the bulletin board outside the main office. Vestry members wear blue name tags if you have comments or questions. 

Colorful Easter Eggs were a big hit with the guests of Spirit of Hope last year, and we’d like to provide them with this fun treat again this year!  We’ll be cooking and serving the Easter meal on April 15th. If you’d like to provide some hard boiled eggs, please talk with Amy Kohair.

New Address for Walt and Donna Denson: 124 Cassidy Road, Kingsport, TN 37664

Family Camps and outdoor survival programs are now accepting applications for the summer through the “Children Of The Earth Foundation.” Recommended by Burdett Milkins, find out more at .

No office hours this week for Fr. Phil, as he will be in Baltimore on Tuesday through Thursday serving on an Episcopal churchwide Task Force.

A Jesus Movie Part I: For our fifth Potluck and Program we will watch the first half of the movie “killing Jesus” followed by a discussion of the Life and Ministry of Jesus. The movie will begin at 7 pm in Galloway Hall. Part II of the movie will be shown the following Wednesday.

Palm Sunday services begin at 8 & 10am on Sunday, April 9. Free palms for everyone! We meet in Galloway Hall.

A Jesus Movie Part II: On Holy Wednesday we gather for our last potluck, and to watch the second half of the movie “Killing Jesus.” An open discussion will follow

Maundy Thursday is the celebration of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. Gather in the chapel at 7 pm for a moving worship service.

Good Friday is the remembrance of Jesus’ death on the cross. We gather at 1 pm in the chapel for the Stations of the Cross with meditations. Would you offer a reflection? Email Fr. Phil at

Holy Saturday services are short and stark. We gather in the chapel at 9 am for a simple worship service.

Holy Saturday For Kids is a special morning for children and families that includes an Easter Egg Hunt, a fun Craft, a telling of the Easter Story by Fr. Phil, and a snack. We gather in Galloway Hall at 10:30 am on Saturday, April 15.

Our EASTER VIGIL Service begins at 7:30 am on Easter morning, April 16. We begin in the dark with the lighting of a single candle to represent Christ’s enduring life and his resurrection. This beautiful service is the highlight of many people’s Easter celebrations.

Our EASTER Festival Eucharist begins at 10 am on Easter morning, April 16. Including a Festival Brass Quartet, a full choir, a rousing Easter sermon and Holy Communion this service is a singularly joyful celebration of Resurrection and new life.

Dartball  Saint James is looking for a few good women and men to start a church dartball team.  We will be offering a number of free dartball clinics during the spring and summer months and welcome all who are interested in learning how to play dartball to come try their hand at the game.  There are two sign-up lists — on the bulletin board in the foyer outside the church and another on the Fellowship bulletin board in the hallway between the church and Galloway Hall

Save the Date for the annual Saint James River Cruise on Sat. June 10th, 6:30-10, hosted by the Men’s Ministry.  More information and tickets coming soon.

Group Studies  On Sunday mornings we gather at 9:05am in the Fireplace Room for an open Bible Study. On Thursday mornings we meet at 10:30am in the library to discuss the writings of famous Saints. On Wednesday mornings we have a 10:15am service of Holy Communion in the chapel. Contact the office for more information.

Middle School Youth Group meets twice a month after the 10am service (until noon) for relaxed conversation, Bible stories, testimonies and snacks. Any questions please see Natalia or Anthony or call @ 908-656-0915.

Do You Enjoy The Time Of Fellowship After The 10am Service?  Sign up to host a week! Hosts do simple set up and clean up, and provide a simple snack.  Talk to Joan Hemsworth for more information.

A Children’s Choir  (K-5) meets on Sundays after the 10am service. Talk to Jill Robinson ( or Bobby to find out more.

Clarification on Open Office Hours  Fr. Phil is available for appointments throughout the week for meetings of any length. Tuesday evenings are open office hours, meaning that on this particular night you can drop in without an appointment between 4:00-6:30 pm. Contact Fr. Phil any time:, cell: 734-775-7140 or at the office: 734-676-1727.


Features & Articles

Long-form stories about upcoming events, or events just passed are printed here. Submit a Feature or Article by sending to Photos are always welcome.

The Shroud of Turin

Unraveling the Mystery

Presented by Deacon Bob Tremmel

Tuesday, April 11, 2017,  7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

At Sacred Heart Church

 The Shroud of Turin is purported to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. This presentation will include a video which will deal with the first hundred years of Shroud research. Bob will then provide “the rest of the story” which will include the carbon dating controversy, the latest and most up-to-date scientific research, and the astounding conclusions that can be drawn from this data.


THESE ROLES ARE ALWAYS OPEN to new participants.

To join a team contact the office at

March 26  
Altar Guild Michael Glover, Cathy Kalafut, Marilou Arvin
8am 1st lesson reader Mark McPherson
8am Eucharistic Minister Tom Coleman
10 am 1st lesson reader Sue Johnson
10am 2nd lesson & chalice Warren Johnson
10am prayers & chalice Jane Colwell
Ushers Dave & Judy Christie, Robin K, Chuck K
Greeters Dave & Judy Christie
10 am Crucifer Landon Johnson
10am Acolytes Mitch Lewis, Zoie Christie
Prayer Team Herman Rugel & Linda Shannon


Below are some things that St. James would love to have, but the budget does not allow them at this time. If one of these items speaks to your heart, please make a donation toward the purchase. All partial gifts will be gratefully accepted and put toward the total cost. Also, if you see or think of something that should be on this list, please let us know.

  1. Replace the red floor carpets at the main entrance – $150
  2. New music books for the bell choir – any donation

Thank you, thank you, and thank you!


🎵 🎶 🎶🎵  MUSIC NOTES  🎵🎶🎶 🎵

If you have been on the fence about joining bells or vocal choir, it’s a great time to start! We will be starting fresh with new rep and learning musicianship skills, so swing on by and make music with us! Please let me know if you plan to attend! The St. James Bell Choir rehearses Thursdays at 6:30PM, and the St. James Adult Choir rehearses Thursdays at 7:30PM. The children’s choir meets after the 10AM service. All are welcome! Please consider joining in the music at St. James, we have lots of excellent programming this year. If you have reservations about joining that I can smooth over, or even just want to chat and learn some more about music, I’m always happy to talk! I’m easily reached at

This morning’s musical point of interest: We welcome St. Paul Minnesota-based tenor Benjamin Wegner this morning, completing nearly a week of performing and working with the St. James Music program! An accomplished singer, conductor, and keyboard artist, we are very lucky to have him around!

Stay tuned for upcoming music events in the area:

March 24, 8PM, and March 26, 3PM: check out Bowling Green State University’s Opera production, Street Scene, a jazz-based opera by Kurt Weill and Langston Hughes telling a very personal story of loss amidst the backdrop of the daily struggles of being an immigrant in 1940s New York.

March 26, 3PM: Grosse Ile Chorale Concert, Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church



We Celebrate Birthdays This Week

  Katie Goyert (3/26) Collie Hooper Yan (3/26) Jennifer Buhl (3/28)
  Daleah Davenport (3/28) Frank Kohair (3/28) Kristin Lewis (3/28)
  Dan Karl (3/30) David Blanks (3/31)  

We Celebrate Anniversaries This Week

  Ray & Courtney Solenberger McNeill (3/27) Jack & Sue Hartley (3/31)


Please Pray This Week For Healing         

  Lee Jerry Zavadil Maureen Kohn
  Jerry John Kurth Gordon
  Pete Fernandes Jean Fernandes Andrew Brunell
  Rebecca Grossklaus Tamara Howes Laura Crawford
  Allison Bell Charles Michael Stoddart
  Joan Klose Jackson Bruce Beidler Annie Krueger
  Irene John Art John Rhonda Boitkus
  Kevin Kaufman Mary Jo Brough Teddy Cleaver
  Misty Joe Radelet Amy Brockmiller
  Newberry family Aidan LaForest Brian Thompson

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military  AJ Allen, Buckley Neal, Brett Ready, Dr. Bettina Sauter, and Alexander Turin.

To ensure our Lists are current petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission. Names may be re-submitted any number of times to