Send yours to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net
Nature keeps silence before our memorials.
TODAY’S SERVICE is ready for you. Watch it here youtu.be/TPPOJp0Epw0
TODAY’S “ADVENTURES IN THE BIBLE” Kid’s Program shows this morning and all week at: youtu.be/XLks8YBck1k
GET A FLU SHOT THIS MORNING AT SAINT JAMES from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in Galloway Hall, administered by CVS. Bring your insurance card.
IF IT IS BELOW 55 DEGREES at 9am on a Sunday morning our outdoor 10AM service will be cancelled. We will send out an email by 9:15am if this is the case; same for rain.
GODLY PLAY “ADVENTURES IN THE BIBLE” are now available every week on our YouTube channel. These short programs are perfect for kids and parents to watch together and discuss: youtube.com/user/ saintjamesgi/videos
KIDS CHURCH LIVE meets at 9:15a every other Sunday by Zoom. Next up: Oct 4. Use this link: zoom.us/j/7346761727?pwd=MzNGdm4wOHF0QzMwa2d3TEpNbW9GUT09
A NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL GROUP will meet at 6:30 p.m. every other Sunday starting October 4th, by Zoom. Bring a snack or even dinner and hear the life story of a saint. We’ll talk about how we relate to these everyday people who struggled with parents, disease, friends, faith, school and so much more!
A PARENT’S “TEDTALK” GROUP will meet once a month beginning Saturday, October 3 at 8 p.m. On Zoom we’ll watch a 15-20 minute TedTalk on relevant parenting topics, then share a discussion. For our first meeting we’ll watch two short talks: “Connect With Your Kids Through the Power of Asking” by Ed Goyette and “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” by Angela Lee Duckworth. This is open to all!
MAJOR CAPITAL CAMPAIGN PROJECTS were completed this week, including repairing the rotted wood in the breezeway (we also added insulation, and Pete Jett painted!), and crack-sealing the North Lot. The back lot is slated to be replaced in 2021. Plaster repairs in the chapel are in-process, and new trees were planted on our South Lawn. All good things! Thank you to all who are contributing!
THE FALL RUMMAGE SALE will not be held due to the pandemic. We are very sorry. We hope to see you in the Spring!
MISSING THE HYMNS? Our online service always has 2-3 hymns sung beautifully by our virtual choir. Plus you’ll hear some excellent postludes. Click the prominent “Sunday Services” link on our home page, or click here: youtube.com/user/saintjamesgi/videos
FOR CONTACT TRACING: 1) Please send your email address to office@saintjamesgi.net 2) If you discover you were contagious at a Saint James event, contact us asap. 3) Keep track of when you attend St. James. If we are notified that a contagious person was present at any service or meeting, we will reach out.