April 9, 2017


Send yours to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net

Phil plays guitar at Thrusday groupFather Phil plays guitar to lead singing at a recent Thursday morning book discussion.

Due Today: To dedicate the Easter Flowers or Brass in special memory or thanksgiving fill out a golden bulletin insert or contact office@saintjamesgi.net.

Good Friday Meditations?  Would you offer one of 14 short meditations on the Stations of the Cross? Talk to Fr. Phil at rector@saintjamesgi.net or 734-775-7140.

Easter Coffee Hour will be a potluck of your favorite coffee cake, breads, fruit, hard boiled eggs or candy to share. Drop off treats in the kitchen and we’ll make sure they get set out.



On Holy Wednesday we gather to watch the second half of the movie “Killing Jesus.” Pizza and salad provided. An open discussion will follow. On Maundy Thursday we celebrate Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. Gather in the chapel at 7 pm for a moving worship service. On Good Friday we remember Jesus’ death on the cross. We gather at 1 pm in the chapel for the Stations of the Cross with meditations. On Holy Saturday our services are short and stark. We gather in the chapel at 9 am.

HOLY SATURDAY FOR KIDS is a special morning for children and families that includes an Easter Egg Hunt, a fun Craft, a telling of the Easter Story by Fr. Phil, and a snack. We gather in Galloway Hall at 10:30 am on Saturday, April 15.    If you plan to attend, text or call Nancy Crysler at 734-673-3990 or email ncrysler@outlook.com. 

EASTER SERVICES are a great opportunity to invite family and friends! Come at 7:30 am for the ancient liturgy of the Easter Vigil, including the chanting of the exsultet. Come at 10 am for Festival Brass, a full choir, a rousing Easter sermon & Holy Communion. Easter is a singularly joyful event not to be missed!


Holy Week Soup Kitchen Help Needed On the day before Easter Saint James will prepare and serve an Easter Meal at the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit. Many have signed up who now cannot go. If you can please make time to help SERVE the meal it would be gratefully appreciated. Arrive at Spirit of Hope by 11:15 am. You’ll be on your way home by 1:15 pm. Sign-ups are in the hallway north of the office by the hanging “Soup Kitchen” sign. Thank you sincerely, Amy & Frank 693-0694.  

The Holy Week All-Night Vigil is accepting sign-ups. Pick a one-hour spot to “watch and wait” with Jesus in the night of Maundy Thursday and early morning of Good Friday. The chapel space has candles, meditation books, and reserved sacrament. The sign-up sheet is on the front window of the main office.

Colorful Easter Eggs were a big hit with the guests of Spirit of Hope last year!  We’ll be cooking and serving the Easter meal on April 15th. If you’d like to provide some hard boiled eggs, please talk with Amy Kohair.

Sunday School & First Communion class do not meet on Easter Sunday.

First Communion will be held on Sunday, May 21 at the 10:00 service. The following students are currently preparing: Paiten Christie, Jackson DePaul, Evelyn Howes, Gavin Mahon, Brady Prudom. Please keep them in your prayers. 

The Shroud of Turin: Unraveling the Mystery Presented by Deacon Bob Tremmel Tues., April 11, 7- 9pm at Sacred HeartThe Shroud of Turin is purported to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. This presentation will include a video which will deal with the first hundred years of Shroud research. Bob will then provide “the rest of the story” including the carbon dating controversy, the latest and most up-to-date scientific research, and the astounding conclusions that can be drawn from this data.

Belly Dance classes begin again on Wednesday, April 19. 7pm.

Nominations for Grosse Ile Citizen of the Year are now being accepted. Find the nomination form and simple instructions at grosseilerotary.org/citizenoftheyear.

The ECW General meeting scheduled for 4/9 has been moved to 4/23, and the program for 4/10 will be rescheduled for the fall, both due to Holy Week.

Our Spring Rummage Sale is quickly approaching.  This year the sale dates are May 5 & 6.  Spring is a great time to clean out the basement or garage and any cupboards you may have and donate items that you feel may benefit our sale.  Rummage may be dropped off at the church beginning Monday, April 17th.  Due to local fire ordinances we cannot accept rummage before April 17th. Last year our sale proceeds helped to support 17 different charities! If you have any questions please see Sharon Metz or Carole Vandenberg.

Kroger Community Rewards Supporters:  Great news!  Kroger is suspending the re-enrollment process from the program for this year ONLY.  This means members will NOT need to re-enroll their Kroger Plus card to continue to earn for Saint James.  If you are not a current member of this program, it is free to you but it gives Saint James a percentage of your purchases as a free donation. Your privacy is protected–they don’t tell us who buys what, we only see the bottom line, which is often several thousand dollars a year. Go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com to enroll.  Our organization number is #82842.  Or contact Lynn Blanks, 676-3967.

An ECW Kitchen Cleaning Day is scheduled for Wednesday, April 26th.  We will work after lunch.  Cupboards all need to be cleaned out.  We want to get the job done before rummage sale.  The more help we have the sooner it will be done.  Please come and help, any amount of time you can spare will be much appreciated!! Thanks in advance. (ECW = Episcopal Church Women)

Vestry Minutes are always available on the bulletin board outside the main office. Vestry members wear blue name tags if you have comments or questions. 

Family Camps and outdoor survival programs are now accepting applications for the summer through the “Children Of The Earth Foundation.” Recommended by Burdett Milkins, find out more at http://www.cotef.org/Home/programs .

Kokomo Opalescent Glass Factory Red Doors Spring 2017 Field Trip May 22,23,24. Pack your bags…it’s going to be a great time!  To earn more about it and sign up call Kate Hartwell: 313 318 3275

Middle School Youth Group meets twice a month after the 10am service (until noon) for relaxed conversation, Bible stories, testimonies and snacks. Any questions please see Natalia or Anthony or call @ 908-656-0915.

Do You Enjoy The Time Of Fellowship After The 10am Service?  Sign up to host a week! Hosts do simple set up and clean up, and provide a simple snack.

Open Office Hours  Fr. Phil is available for appointments throughout the week for meetings of any length. Tuesday evenings are open office hours, meaning you can drop in without an appointment between 4:00-6:30 pm. Contact Fr. Phil any time: rector@saintjamesgi.net, cell: 734-775-7140 or at the office: 734-676-1727.

Group Studies  On Sunday mornings we gather at 9:05am in the Fireplace Room for an open Bible Study. On Thursday mornings we meet at 10:30am in the library to discuss the writings of famous Saints. On Wednesday mornings we have a 10:15am service of Holy Communion in the chapel.


Features & Articles

Stories about upcoming events or events just passed are printed here. Submit a Feature or Article by sending to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net. Photos are always welcome.



Legend has it that a Bermudan teacher, in need of a simple yet effective way to demonstrate the Ascension of Christ into heaven, used a kite decorated with Jesus’ image, forever imprinting the concept on the minds of his young students. As a result, every Good Friday in Bermuda finds colorful, multi-sided kites made of sticks and tissue-paper dotting skies all over the island.  After spending last Easter in Bermuda and seeing all of the kites painstakingly and proudly crafted, by islanders and visitors, in remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice, we were inspired to carry this beautiful tradition back to Grosse Ile.

Beginning on April 2 and again on April 9, following the 10am mass, please join us in Galloway Hall for kite building & decorating. We will supply the materials you need to make a simple kite. If you are ambitious and wish to craft a special kite like the ones flown in Bermuda, feel free to bring other supplies to create your own work of art.

Not crafty? Join us with a purchased kite!  All kites are welcome!

We will be flying our kites at the Grosse Ile soccer fields off Meridian Road on Holy Saturday at 12:15 pm, following the Children’s Easter Celebration at St. James.  Come be part of the fun!          -Steve, Kristin and Mitch Lewis


THESE ROLES ARE ALWAYS OPEN to new participants.

To join a team contact the office at goodnews@saintjamesgi.net




April 9 Palm Sunday
Altar Guild Carole V, Linda K, Madeleine J, Carol N
8am 1st lesson reader Margaret Horvath
8am Eucharistic Minister Tom Coleman
10 am 1st lesson reader TBA
10am 2nd lesson & chalice Jane Colwell
10am prayers & chalice Pat Zavadil
Ushers Paul & Lynn Blanks, Zach & Merri Lewis
Greeters Chuck & Linda Kurth, Lil Everlove
10 am Crucifer Mitch Lewis
10am Acolytes Thomas Shumate, Charlotte Glover
Prayer Team Maria Turner, Amy Kohair


April 16 Easter
Altar Guild Michael Glover, Marie Johnson, Gwyn Dugliss
8am 1st lesson reader Mark McPherson
8am Eucharistic Minister David Hartwell
10 am 1st lesson reader Marylou Cartwright
10am 2nd lesson & chalice Andrew Johnson
10am prayers & chalice Colleen Lough
Ushers Paul & Lynn Blanks, Robin Knudsen, Chuck Kurth
Greeters Paul & Lynn Blanks
10 am Crucifer Andrew Johnson
10am Acolytes Zoie Christie, Landon Johnson
Prayer Team Sue Anderson & Madeleine Jones


April 23  
Altar Guild Joan Hemsworth, Jennifer Engle, Meren James
8am 1st lesson reader Meren James
8am Eucharistic Minister Tom Coleman
10 am 1st lesson reader Natalia Morris
10am 2nd lesson & chalice Jim Holubka
10am prayers & chalice Todd Rankine
Ushers Stuart C, Carl C, Walt D, Jack H
Greeters Anthony Baker & Natalia Morris
10 am Crucifer Danny Bohl
10am Acolytes Sam Rankine, Anna Shumate
Prayer Team Herman Rugel & Linda Shannon


All Baptized Members



The Rev. Philip Dinwiddie,  Rector                                                     rector@saintjamesgi.net

Bobby Ragoonanan,  Music Minister                                                music@saintjamesgi.net

Krista Ewbank,  Parish Office                                                              office@saintjamesgi.net

Curt Crysler,  Parish Treasurer                                                        treasurer@saintjamesgi.net

Harold Schwochow,  Sexton                                                               office@saintjamesgi.net



Anthony Baker                  Jeff Faistenhammer                     Marie Johnson

Mel Bonis                           Sarah Hemsworth                        Phil Metz

Carl Colwell                        Beth Holliday                               Mark McPherson

Curt Crysler                        Margaret Horvath                        Barbara Valmassei

Lynda VanEngelen – Recording Secretary


CONTACTS                                             to update, email: goodnews@saintjamesgi.net

Acolytes Sylvia Booth (734) 771-8451
Altar Guild Linda Kurth

Michael Glover

(734) 675-1506

(734) 676-1062

Bell Choir Bobby Ragoonanan office@saintjamesgi.net
Chapel Tours Kate Hartwell (313) 318-3275
Children’s Ministries Nancy Crysler ncrysler@outlook.com
Choir Bobby Ragoonanan office@saintjamesgi.net
Church Rejuvenation


Sue Hartley

Judy Christie

suecartwright1@comcast.net                           (734) 3238663
Counters Curt Crysler treasurer@saintjamesgi.net
Episcopal Church Women MaryLou Cartwright maryloucartwright@gmail.com
Finance Committee Curt Crysler treasurer@saintjamesgi.net
Greeters Lynn Blanks lblanks@wideopenwest.com
Helping Hands Linda Kurth (734) 675-1506
Interfaith Council/ Outreach Sue Lowery

Jane Colwell

(734) 675-0417

(734) 671-9446

Men’s Ministry Group Jim Holubka jholubka@sbcglobal.net
Memorial Garden Carole Vandenberg (734) 671-6492
Office Krista Ewbank office@saintjamesgi.net
Pastoral Care Team Marie Johnson (734) 671-6502
Prayer Team Herman Rugel (734) 250-3375
Rainbow Bell Choir Sue Johnson (734) 783-1752
SCRIP & Kroger Rewards Lynn & Paul Blanks lblanks@wideopenwest.com
Soup Kitchen Amy & Frank Kohair (734) 693-0694
Ushers Walt Denson walt.denson1947@gmail.com
Vestry Marie Johnson

Todd Rankine

(734) 671-6502

(248) 866-9799

Worship Committee Fr. Phil rector@saintjamesgi.net
Youth Group – Sr. High Fr. Phil rector@saintjamesgi.net




Listed below are some things that St. James would love to have, but the budget does not allow them at this time. If one of these items speaks to your heart, please make a donation toward the purchase. All partial gifts will be gratefully accepted and put toward the total cost. Also, if you see or think of something that should be on this list, please let us know.


  1. Music for the bell choir – any donation.
  2. Thank you for all your help this year!


Thank you, thank you, and thank you!






🎵 🎶 🎶🎵  MUSIC NOTES  🎵🎶🎶 🎵


If you have been on the fence about joining bells or vocal choir, it’s a great time to start! We will be starting fresh with new rep and learning musicianship skills, so swing on by and make music with us! Please let me know if you plan to attend! The St. James Bell Choir rehearses Thursdays at 6:30PM, and the St. James Adult Choir rehearses Thursdays at 7:30PM. The children’s choir meets after the 10AM service. All are welcome! Please consider joining in the music at St. James, we have lots of excellent programming this year. If you have reservations about joining that I can smooth over, or even just want to chat and learn some more about music, I’m always happy to talk! I’m easily reached at music@saintjamesgi.net.


This morning’s musical point of interest: Happy Palm Sunday, as we celebrate with some “old favorites” hymns, including the choir’s anthem today. Pay attention and you may notice that the last hymn and postlude share the same tune!



Stay tuned for upcoming music events in the area:



April 16, 10AM, Join us for the 10AM Easter Service, featuring brass, handbells, choir, and music from the Renaissance!



A Children’s Choir  (K-5) meets on Sundays after the 10am service. Talk to Jill Robinson (robinsonjill25@yahoo.com) or Bobby to find out more.







We Celebrate Birthdays This Week

Pat Bracey (4/9) Claire Buhl (4/10) Libby Dinwiddie (4/10)
Eric Czajka (4/11) Chelsea Dingus (4/11) Dimitri Winsky (4/11)
Blanche Hutchison (4/12) Camron Barton (4/13) Gabreil Garza (4/13)
Thomas Coleman, III (4/15) Julieanne Kohn (4/15) Robert Sauter (4/15)
Cassandra Lazorka (4/16)


Please Pray This Week For Healing         

Lee Jerry Zavadil Maureen Kohn
Jerry John Kurth Gordon
Pete Fernandes Jean Fernandes Andrew Brunell
Rebecca Grossklaus Tamara Howes Laura Crawford
Allison Bell Charles Michael Stoddart
Joan Klose Jackson Bruce Beidler Annie Krueger
Irene John Art John Rhonda Boitkus
Kevin Kaufman Mary Jo Brough Teddy Cleaver
Misty Joe Radelet Amy Brockmiller
Newberry family Aidan LaForest Brian Thompson
Richard, Libby & Hazel Swor Family of Benjamin
Carolyn Hoey Margie Esther Snyder

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military  AJ Allen, Buckley Neal, Brett Ready, Dr. Bettina Sauter, and Alexander Turin.

To ensure our Lists are current petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission. Names may be re-submitted any number of times to office@saintjamesgi.net.


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