August 30, 2020


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Detroit Steeplejack began work this week on our steeple. Bryan Dulsky, the Proprietor, said he lay in bed for weeks imagining our steeple, coming up with the best way to repair the beams for future posterity.


TODAY’S SERVICE, titled, “Living With Passion” can we watched now:

A MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR AMY KOHAIR is planned for Saturday, September 26, at 11am on the Saint James lawn. We continue to hold her in our hearts.

“RACE MATTERS” SHORT CLASSES are being led by leaders throughout the diocese in September. Classes are one session only. Each involves reading an article ahead of time. On Zoom the group will meet to consider and discuss the topic. Topics include 1) The Case for Reparations; 2) Speaking of Freedom; 3) Confederate Monuments; and 4) What is “White Fragility.” Register at

IF IT IS RAINING on a Sunday, we will send out a message by email and Facebook by 9:15am if the 10am Service is cancelled; this is due to our diocesan limit of 10-ish people allowed inside.

THE FALL RUMMAGE SALE will not be held due to the global pandemic. We are very sorry. We hope to see you in the Spring!

HELP WITH THE ANNUAL AUDIT by reaching out to parishioner Charlotte Campeau at or 734-379-9670.

THE SERMON IN SUNDAY SERVICES is the same sermon that is on YouTube. So if you want to remember a certain part of the in-person Sunday service, click over and take a look:

FOR CONTACT TRACING: 1) Please send us your email address. 2) If you ever learn you were contagious at a Saint James event, contact us immediately. 3) Keep track of when you attend Saint James. If we discover someone was contagious at a Saint James event we will contact everyone.