from this past Wednesday!
THE PEOPLE ON OUR PRAYER LIST need your prayers. Please remember them at least once a week as you read these announcements. Daily prayers would actually be awesome. To be added to the prayer list, send an email to or call us in the office at 734-676-1727. People are added for four weeks at a time. Contact us to renew names for another 4 weeks. Unlimited renewals are allowed!
SUNDAY WORSHIP is held live by Zoom every Sunday at 10am. To join the Sunday connection click on the Zoom link on our homepage SAINTJAMESGI.NET or click this link TINYURL.COM/SJGI-ZOOM on Sunday morning around 10.
GROUPS WILL BE ASSIGNED THIS WEEK for Prayer Partners, PenPals, and Sanity Groups. Sign up today to ensure you are placed in a group. Click on the signup link on the Saint James webpage:
NIGHTLY PRAYER ON FACEBOOK LIVE is now ongoing. Find us every night at 8pm on Facebook. These short services are recorded if you want to view them later or right before bed.
DAILY BIBLE READINGS are being posted every morning on Facebook and YouTube. We have already read Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians AND his letter to the Galatians! This week we read his first letter to the Corinthians, a very juicy letter. We encourage you to listen daily, comment, and share!
YOUTUBE SUNDAY SERVICES are offered as long as this infernal virus endures. Services are posted every Sunday morning. Find them through the Saint James website at through the prominent “YouTube Services” link, or find them directly on YouTube here
KID’S “ADVENTURES IN THE BIBLE” meet live every Sunday morning at 9:15am by Zoom for 25 minutes of Holy Fun. Plus a new Sunday school video is posted every Sunday morning. Use this link for live Sunday school on Sunday at 9:15am: TINYURL.COM/SJGI-ZOOM
PRAYER PARTNERS reach out to each other once a week to pray a short form of Evening Prayer and read the scriptures for the up-coming Sunday. The prayer and readings are provided. Prayer Partners will be connected to each other as names are received. Sign-up here:
PENPALS write each other once a week and pray for each other. We are especially looking for people to write a child in the congregation once a week, but you can also request an adult if you’d like. Reach out to our Children’s Ministries Director, Erica Benson, <> or sign-up here:
SANITY GROUPS of 3-5 people meet once a week for half an hour to 1) Catch up (What’s been on your mind?), 2) Check-in (How are you doing?), and 3) Share your closest moment to Christ (When have you felt closest to God this week?). When you sign up you can mention 2 or 3 other individuals or couples who you would like in your group. We’ll do our best to honor all requests! Sign-up here:
THE GREAT ST. JAMES TALENT SHOW will be held at 5pm on Saturday, March 14th, right in the middle of Lent. We hope for 8-10 acts, but we need you to make it happen! Magic tricks, comedy, music, and more are all welcome. Children are especially welcome, even for short and simple acts. Don’t miss this well-needed break in the Lenten season. Sign-up here:
A CHECKERS TOURNAMENT will be held during the week of April 19th. Everyone who signs up will play a best-of-three Checkers game through the week with your assigned challenger. The final games will be shown LIVE on Zoom on Saturday, April 24, at 5pm. The goal is to be social during the games, but you’ll also want to advance to the next round. Who will be “Kinged” as the Checkers Champion of 2021? Sign-up here:
PEN PALS NEEDED! This Lent the Children’s Ministry would like to pair adult parishioners with one of children. We are asking two things from our adult penpals 1.) that they pray daily for their assigned child and 2.) that they send a card in the mail once a week for every week in Lent. If you are an adult that is interested in supporting one of our kids in this way, email Erica Benson at
LIVE WORSHIP WEDNESDAYS continue every Wednesday morning at 10:15am on Zoom. In the services we catch-up with each other, hear the story of a Saint from history, pray, and then break to go on about our days. Join on Zoom by clicking here: TINYURL.COM/SJGI-ZOOM
REACH OUT TO FR. PHIL ANY TIME at 734-775-7140. That’s his mobile number, so you can text if you prefer.
OUR ZOOM LINK can be found on our church website or by clicking on this short-link: — You can also use your telephone to join a Zoom meeting by dialing 312-626-6799 and entering this meeting ID: 734–676–1727##
Feb. 22 Angelique Campeau
Joe Hopkins
Sarah Bates
Feb. 25 Gabriel Defrain
Gena Lorenz
Sarah Shamus
Feb. 26 Elizabeth Bisaro
Barb Church
Tina Wirtel
Feb. 23 David & Kate Hartwell
Feb. 25 Gary & Mary Sawnick
Scott Fornwalt
Michael Glover
Carleen Lyden Walker
Sarah Bates
Joe Brough
Deborah Stoddard
Edward Brown
Maegan Campeau
Joann Kugell
Danie and her baby Owen
To add your birthday, anniversary, or prayer,
email us at
(Please check with people before adding them to the prayer list.)