OUR SUNDAY SERVICE is always available through our website, and through this link:
OUR WEDNESDAY SERVICE continues this week, January 13, at 10:15am by Zoom.
SUNDAY DROP-IN COFFEE & CONVERSATION runs from 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. on Zoom.
Kid’s “ADVENTURES IN THE BIBLE” continue today, January 10th, at 9:15 a.m. by Zoo . We will continue to meet every Sunday morning via Zoom to watch together the lesson and discuss. And, of course, there will be greetings, best things, and silly faces! Zoom Link:
ANNUAL REPORTS are due in the office by Wednesday, January 20th. We realize many unusual things happened this year, and many usual things did not happen this year. Nevertheless, many of you came up with wonderfully creative ways to continue your ministries! Record your challenges and your successes in your annual report, for posterity and for inspiration in the year ahead.
MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP – continues today, January 10th, at 6:30pm by Zoom.
THE CHURCH OFFICE is open on Wednesdays, but you can contact Fr. Phil any time at 734-775-7140.
OUR ZOOM LINK can be found on our church website or by clicking on this short-link: — You can also use your telephone to join a Zoom meeting by dialing 312-626-6799, entering the meeting ID: 734-676-1727-##, and entering the password 232323. |