continue this Sunday and every Sunday in June!
Today’s online service is found here:
THIS WEEK’S MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR JAY TISSOT will be held indoors in the main sanctuary. It is scheduled for this Saturday, June 19th, at 10:30am. All are welcome.
BETTY ALLYN, a former member of Saint James, will be interred in the Memorial Garden this week in a small family service. Betty’s obituary is included at the bottom of this newsletter today.
OUR PRESIDING BISHOP preached a powerful sermon based on the Lord’s Prayer in the context of a recent commemoration service for George Floyd. See his sermon here: The video begins at the sermon. Rewind or fast forward to see the rest of the service.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will happen this year, safely but surely. Block out your calendar for August 9-13, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. More information and pre-registration to come!
CAN YOU HELP WITH COFFEE HOUR? We’re back in action for drinks and treats following the 10am service, but we need volunteers. Can you help? Look for the signup sheet on the refreshment cart, speak to Fr. Phil or Joan Hemsworth, or send an email to
A FREE SHOW! On Saturday, July 3rd, at 7pm we are hosting a Parking Lot Theatre performance of “Every Love Story Ever Told” by Trenton’s own Open Book Theatre. Taking place in the front driveway of Saint James, there is no charge for the performance, but a freewill “tip” for the actors will be taken up at the end. Bring your own lawn chairs and snacks or use the church’s folding chairs provided. Also, bring friends, family and neighbors – this is going to be fun! The performance is approximately 30 minutes long. Hope to see you there!
BOOK GROUP meets on Tuesday mornings at 10am to discuss “Learning to Walk in the Dark” by Barbara Brown Taylor. Contact Erica Benson for more information: & 231-690-9655.
WEDNESDAY MORNING EUCHARIST SERVICES are at 10:15 in the chapel every week. We have coffee, pre-packaged snacks (bring some to share?), and conversation following, in Galloway Hall.
10AM SUNDAY SERVICES HAVE MOVED OUTSIDE – Please bring your own lawn chairs, if possible. The main sanctuary is our rain/cold backup.
CALL FOR HELP: Having services outside takes extra work. Please reach out to our Minister of Music Jim Johnson if you can help:
LIVE SUNDAY SCHOOL meets every Sunday morning at 9:15am on ZOOM. Use this link TINYURL.COM/SJGI-ZOOM or the prominent link on our webpage at
PREPARED YOUTUBE SUNDAY SERVICES will be offered as long as any restrictions on gathering for worship remain. Services are posted every Sunday morning at
REACH OUT TO FR. PHIL ANY TIME at 734-775-7140. That’s his mobile number, so you can text if you prefer.
OUR ZOOM LINK can be found on our church website or by clicking on this short-link: — You can also use your telephone to join a Zoom meeting by dialing 312-626-6799 and entering this meeting ID: 734–676–1727## |