Send yours to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net
The Roses on the Altar are given in celebration of the births of two babies: Shannon Elise Miller, daughter to Andrea and Kenny Miller and granddaughter of Cathy Kalafut, born June 8th, and Nora Elizabeth Folding, daughter of Matt and Stacey Folding and granddaughter of Diane and Greg Larkin, born June 6th.
Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen is this Saturday, June 17th, and help is always appreciated. Please see the note from Amy and Frank Kohair under Features & Articles for more information.
This Week We Move To The Chapel for our 10am service, and will worshp in the air conditioned chapel all summer. We will move back into the main sanctuary on Sunday, September 10.
INQUIRER’S CLASSES are for anyone who wants to know more about the Episcopal Church & Saint James. They are especially helpful for newer members of the congregation. Get all your questions answered, a tour of the church, and learn the history of the Episcopal Church and Saint James – all in a three week series. Our final meeting is June 20. Join us, even if you missed the others! We gather in the library across from the office.
Seasons of the Heart Summer session will be held Tuesday June 20th, 10-11:30am at Sacred Heart (21599 Parke Lane, conference room B). Join this interfaith event for a morning of reflection and sharing about summer’s gifts of light, growth & fullness.
Concerts On The Commons Is A Wonderful, Free Concert Series at the gazebo on the corner of Meridian and Macomb. The series kicks of on June 25th, 7-8pm with Barry VanEngelen. The series continues with a new musical act every Sunday through August 27th. Rain location: St Thomas Lutheran Church.
The United States of Detroit is a documentary film focusing on the positive efforts and amazing people who are working to better Detroit. The Episcopal Church of the Messiah is featured. Following the documentary, a panel discussion will be moderated by national correspondents Soledad O’Brien of CNN and NBC news, and Miles O’Brien of CNN and PBS news. The film shows at the Fisher Theater on Wednesday, June 21, beginning at 6PM. For more information and tickets, please see thefisherbuilding.com/rsvp/ and theunitedstatesofdetroit.com/.
The Sunday School’s Bake Sale Raised $300 for El Hogar in Honduras. Thank you parents and kids who baked the delicious items, and thanks to all the customers!
Save the Date for Vacation Bible School, August 7-11. Join us for a fun week of songs, crafts, games and more as we learn about this wonderful God we worship!
A Communications Survey is being conducted by the Diocese of Michigan. Do you have suggestions about how the diocese could better facilitate communication? The 5-minute survey can be found here: http://bit.ly/2qBxYge
Office Volunteers Rhonda Boitkus, Charlotte Campeau, Barb Church and Susan Weston will be helping out as Krista is out of town to celebrate her parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. We’re grateful for their help keeping the office running!
Saint James is Hiring an Executive Secretary/Bookkeeper to begin this summer. This person operates at the heart of the church office, coordinating communications, paperwork, calendars, bookkeeping, and office supplies, while serving as a welcoming and friendly face for all comers. Although parishioners are not eligible to be hired, friends and neighbors of parishioners are welcome to apply. Excellent computer skills are needed, plus trustworthiness, a teamwork attitude, and excellent organizational skills. 18 hours/wk. Days/hours are flexible. Send a letter of application and resume if possible to apply@saintjamesgi.net. Inquirers can call Fr. Phil at the church office (734-676-1727) for more information.
Please Check The Coat Rack In Galloway Hall And Our Kitchen for any items that might belong to you. Items that are not claimed will be sold in the next rummage sale.
A Diocesan Picnic is being held Saturday, July 22nd, 11am-4pm, at the Emrich Retreat Center in Brighton. Flyers with more information and reservation forms are on the table in the hallway outside of the office. RSVP by July 15th. More information also available online at edomi.org.
Belly Dance classes are meeting every Wednesday in Galloway Hall at 7pm.
Do You Enjoy The Time Of Fellowship After The 10am Service? Sign up to host a week. Hosts do simple set up and clean up, and provide a simple snack.
Vestry Minutes are always available on the bulletin board outside the main office. Vestry members wear blue name tags if you have comments or questions.
Open Office Hours Fr. Phil is available for appointments throughout the week for meetings of any length. Tuesday evenings are open office hours, meaning you can drop in without an appointment between 4:00-6:30 pm. Contact Fr. Phil any time: rector@saintjamesgi.net, cell: 734-775-7140 or at the office: 734-676-1727.
Group Studies On Sunday mornings gather at 9:05am in the Fireplace Room for a drop-in Bible Study. On Thursday mornings meet at 10:30am in the library to participate in a chapter-a-week book group. On Wednesday mornings we have a 10:15am service of Holy Communion in the chapel.
Features & Articles
Long-form stories about upcoming events, or events just passed are printed here. Submit a Feature or Article by sending to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net. Photos are always welcome.
Hello Dear Saint James Friends! This coming Saturday, June 17, 2017 is our next turn to set up the day at the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen and to prepare the meal. David & Judy Christie have donated the 30 pounds of hamburger needed for the meal! We’re thinking two sloppy-joes each, might be tasty with chips, baked beans and Kosher pickles.
If you would like to help let me know and I will put your name on the list. We will meet in our St. James Chapel parking lot at 8:20 a.m. this Saturday to pack up the supplies and to carpool Downtown. We should arrive at Spirit of Hope at around 9:15. You will be on your way home before 11:30 when Sacred Heart turns up to serve. We will not have another turn until September 16th. We will do that whole day alone. Sacred Heart will have done July 15th alone and the Detroit Moose Hockey Team will have done August 19th alone.
Thanks so much if you are able to be with us. This is a fulfilling ministry as well as a perfect opportunity to share fellowship with your Saint James Family and with others you haven’t had a chance to meet yet! We will also be delivering the 100 cup coffee urn donated by Linda Shannon & Herman Rugel, two more of our beloved Saints!!!
With Much Love, Amy Kohair 734-693-0694 and Frank Kohair 734-693-5904.
THESE ROLES ARE ALWAYS OPEN to new participants.
To join a team contact the office at goodnews@saintjamesgi.net
June 18 | Both services in the chapel |
Altar Guild | Marie Johnson, Meren James |
8am 1st lesson reader | Mark McPherson |
8am Eucharistic Minister | Sue Weston |
10am 1st lesson reader | Anthony Baker |
10am 2nd lesson, prayers & chalice | Colleen Lough |
Ushers | Stuart Cartwright, Carl Colwell |
Greeters | Sue Anderson, Wendy Kiblawi |
10 am Crucifer | Danny Bohl |
Listed below are some things that St. James would love to have, but the budget does not allow them at this time. If one of these items speaks to your heart, please make a donation toward the purchase. All partial gifts will be gratefully accepted and put toward the total cost. Also, if you see or think of something that should be on this list, please let us know.
- Boxwood Bushes for Memorial Garden – 21 @ $40 each: $840
- Weed the Church Beds – This is a no-cost Wish List item. Can you pick a flower bed at church and yank some weeds? Please do! Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, and thank you!
In-kind and Wish-List donations help us go above and beyond. If you are aware of any such gifts please let us know at goodnews@saintjamesgi.net.
🎵 🎶 🎶🎵 MUSIC NOTES 🎵🎶🎶 🎵
Join us this summer for the Summer Music Listener’s Group! Meeting 2 evenings a month during June, July, and August, this group will explore the pantheon of church music over the centuries through lectures and listening sessions. Please join us, all are welcome!
Our next meeting will be June 29th at 7:30PM.
This morning’s musical point of interest: Flötenuhr Musik translates as “Music for Flute Clocks”. Haydn wrote 32 pieces for this curious invention. The flute clock is much like a cuckoo clock, but instead of a bird sound, every hour a miniature organ inside the clock would play a tune. The more elaborate flute clocks would even play a selection of tunes, to break up the monotony. These are astounding mechanical feats, especially for the late 18th century. Haydn’s music for these inventions are particularly elaborate and inventive, and truly show off the composer’s sense of humor.
We Celebrate Birthdays This Week
Samuel Rankine (6/18) | Jean Beaubien (6/18) | Ava Kiblawi (6/18) | |
Cathjy Karl (6/19) | Millie Miles (6/19) | Charlotte Campeau (6/21) | |
Kevin Dermody (6/21) | Robyn Turner (6/21) | Patricia Williamson (6/21) | |
Jim Holubka (6/23) | Connie Turner (6/23) | Jacob Christie (6/24) | |
David Christie (6/24) | Phil Dinwiddie (6/25) | Tommy Jones (6/25) |
We Celebrate Anniversaries This Week
Carole & Bernarnd Vandenberg (6/18) | Mali & Robert Sauter (6/20) | |
Mary Lou & Stuart Cartwright (6/23) | Lotti & Jim deGarmo (6/25) | |
Sharon & Joe Hopkins (6/25) |
Please Pray This Week For Healing
Lee | Jerry Zavadil | Maureen Kohn | |
Jerry | John Kurth | Andrew Brunell | |
Pete Fernandes | Jean Fernandes | Laura Crawford | |
Rebecca Grossklaus | Tamara Howes | Michael Stoddart | |
Joan Klose | Charles | Annie Krueger | |
Irene John | Jackson Bruce Beidler | Rhonda Boitkus | |
Paul Showalter | Art John | Teddy Cleaver | |
Lynn Ryder Cain | Mary Jo Brough | Amy Brockmiller | |
Meredith Beidler | Julieanne Kohn | Michelle Mills | |
Gordan Scueder | Greg Kohn | Justin Beidler | |
Margie Coleman | Joe Radelett | Gabby | |
Josie Smereka | Gordon | Kevin Kaufman | |
Linda Hollis | Gary Davison |
Pray for those serving in The Church For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.
Pray for those serving in the military AJ Allen, Buckley Neal, Brett Ready, Dr. Bettina Sauter, and Alexander Turin.
To ensure our Lists are current petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission. Names may be re-submitted any number of times to office@saintjamesgi.net.