June 2, 2017


Send yours to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net

Dr. Chris Maierhofer, D.O.

Congratuations to Dr. Chris Maierhofer, D.O. and Emilie and family as they move to Saracuse, NY to continue their adventure!

WELCOMED IN HOLY BAPTISM Today we mark Lana Mahon’s baptism. Welcome and Congratulations!

RED is the Color of Pentecost. No pressure, but it can be fun to wear red for Pentecost Sunday, June 4th, as we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit!

INQUIRER’S CLASSES are for anyone who wants to know more about the Episcopal Church & Saint James. They are especially helpful for newer members of the congregation. Get all your questions answered, a tour of the church, and learn the history of the Episcopal Church and Saint James – all in a three week series. Meetings begin at 7pm on Tuesday, June 6, June 13, and June 20. Can’t come to one? Come to the others! We gather in the library across from the office.

Walk to End Hunger at The CROP Walk TODAY,  Sunday June 4th at St. Thomas Lutheran Church.  The walk begins at 1pm.  All proceeds go to Church World Service (CWS) to help end hunger.  If you would like to walk or sponsor a walker, please talk with Jane Colwel (734-612-1222)l or Sue Lowery (675-0417).  Pre-registration is not required.

Boat Trip & Saturday Eucharist Please join us on Saturday, June 10, for the 4th Annual Detroit River Cruise hosted by the Men’s Ministry Group. The cost for an adult ticket is $20. Children under 18 ride free when accompanied by an adult. There will be a service of Holy Communion in Bishop Park (Wyandotte) at 5:30 pm. Our Diamond Jack boat will depart at 7 pm for a two hour cruise on the lower Detroit River. Dinner is included. Adult beverages and soft drinks can be purchased on the boat. Tickets are available after both services or through the church office.

The Last Day Of Sunday School is Sunday, June 11.  On that day the Sunday School children will be hosting a bake sale with proceeds to help the children at El Hogar in Honduras.  El Hogar is a home and school for homeless street children and children of extremely poor families.  Founded by our own late Connie deBeausset, El Hogar has raised and educated thousands of children over the years.  Please bring your appetite and dollars to Galloway Hall on June 11.

We Move To The Chapel for our 10am service beginning Sunday, June 18.

A Communications Survey is being conducted by the Diocese of Michigan. Do you have suggestions about how the diocese could better facilitate communication? The 5-minute survey can be found here: http://bit.ly/2qBxYge

Please Thank Krista for all her good work among us. Her (amazing!) theater in Trenton (openbooktheatrecompany.net) is doing well, which means she will be able to focus her efforts on the theater next fall. Unfortunately this means she will not be able to continue working at Saint James as our secretary, as there are only so many hours in a day. Please take a moment to thank Krista and wish her well!

Saint James is Hiring an Executive Secretary/Bookkeeper to begin this summer. This person operates at the heart of the church office, coordinating communications, paperwork, calendars, bookkeeping, and office supplies, while serving as a welcoming and friendly face for all comers. Although parishioners are not eligible to be hired, friends and neighbors of parishioners are welcome to apply. Excellent computer skills are needed, plus trustworthiness, a teamwork attitude, and excellent organizational skills. 18 hours/wk. Days/hours are flexible. Send a letter of application and resume if possible to apply@saintjamesgi.net. Inquirers can call Fr. Phil at the church office (734-676-1727) for more information. 

Season’s of the Heart Summer session will be held Tuesday June 20th, 10-11:30am at Sacred Heart (21599 Parke Lane, conference room B).  Join this interfaith event for a morning of reflection and sharing about summer’s gifts of light, growth & fullness.

Belly Dance classes are meeting every Wednesday in Galloway Hall at 7pm.

Do You Enjoy The Time Of Fellowship After The 10am Service?  Sign up to host a week. Hosts do simple set up and clean up, and provide a simple snack. 

Vestry Minutes are always available on the bulletin board outside the main office. Vestry members wear blue name tags if you have comments or questions. 

Open Office Hours  Fr. Phil is available for appointments throughout the week for meetings of any length. Tuesday evenings are open office hours, meaning you can drop in without an appointment between 4:00-6:30 pm. Contact Fr. Phil any time: rector@saintjamesgi.net, cell: 734-775-7140 or at the office: 734-676-1727.

Group Studies  On Sunday mornings gather at 9:05am in the Fireplace Room for a drop-in Bible Study. On Thursday mornings meet at 10:30am in the library to participate in a chapter-a-week book group. On Wednesday mornings we have a 10:15am service of Holy Communion in the chapel.

Johnson OrganThis Beautiful Oak Organ is looking for a new home.  Carol and Mike Johnson would like to donate this organ to a church or family that will be able to put it to good use. Please contact the church office for more information.



Features & Articles

Long-form stories about upcoming events, or events just passed are printed here. Submit a Feature or Article by sending to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net. Photos are always welcome.


Out There With Outreach at Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen

May 20, 2017 Was our most recent turn to help at the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen!  We purchased the food and supplies and prepared the meal.  Sacred Heart split the cost of $372.59 with us and served the meal.  150 people were fed a hearty taco soup with macaroni, topped with shredded cheddar cheese, a crisp green salad, dinner rolls and butter as well as peanut butter & jelly sandwiches “to go”.  Great thanks goes to our crew: John & Cathy Bishop, Jane Colwell, Kathy Toth, and Barry & Lynda VanEngelen!  We were met by a very Special Surprise when we arrived at the Spirit of Hope… Birthday Girls/Sisters Diane Mammo & Joni Bohl chose to spend their birthday weekend feeding those in need.  Joining them (by choice!) was dear Kieran, a wonderful young man who is in Joni’s “chosen family”!  Kieran participated in every part of the prep as well as doing needed jobs with Norm (our idea of the King of Spirit of Hope)!

Our next turn at Spirit of Hope will be on Sat. June 17th. We will prepare the meal and Sacred Heart will serve it. The cooking crew will meet in our Chapel parking lot at 8:20 a.m. to pack up the cars and to carpool. We will arrive downtown at around 9:15 to prepare the meal. Please sign up on the posted sheet on the Outreach Bulletin Board in the hallway. If it turns out that you cannot go, please let us know so that we are able to find subs for you. Thank you so very much for coming to join us!

We will have July and August off. On Sat. September 16th, We will do the day alone.

Thank you all for being part of this ministry!  It is only by the Grace of God that we are the ones serving and not those who are in need.  As Christ told us, what we do for those in any need, we do for HIM!  Your help is so greatly appreciated. Without YOU nothing would happen at Spirit of Hope!  It takes our family of friends to make HIS Plan work.  We love you all so very much and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, ALWAYS.

An ENORMOUS THANK YOU goes to Linda Shannon and Herman Rugel for donating a 100 cup coffee urn for the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen!!!  Dear Norm, Security & Member in Charge at Spirit of Hope, will be thrilled!

If you have questions or need to reach us for any reason please call us on our cells: Amy Kohair 734-693-0694 and Frank Kohair 734-693-5904


RECIPE: Pumpkin Spice Cookies

Did you love those Rummage Sale Pumpkin Spice Cookies made by Meren James? “Secret” recipe below:

1 box of spice cake mix
15 oz. can of plain pumpkin

Mix with electric hand mixer. Spoon onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 11 minutes.
(Makes 35 cookies)


1/2 c. melted butter

2 c. powdered sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon
Mix until smooth. Frost cool cookies.



THESE ROLES ARE ALWAYS OPEN to new participants.

To join a team contact the office at goodnews@saintjamesgi.net

June 4  
Altar Guild Linda Kurth, Carol Nankervis, Gwyn Dugliss
8am 1st lesson reader Meren James
8am Eucharistic Minister Tom Coleman
10 am 1st lesson reader Herman Rugel
10am 2nd lesson & chalice Todd Rankine
10am prayers & chalice Jim Holubka
Ushers Dave & Judy Christie, Zach & Merri Lewis
Greeters Dave & Judy Christie
10 am Crucifer Thomas Shumate
10am Acolytes Zoie Christie, Sam Rankine
Prayer Team Maria Turner and Amy Kohair


Listed below are some things that St. James would love to have, but the budget does not allow them at this time. If one of these items speaks to your heart, please make a donation toward the purchase. All partial gifts will be gratefully accepted and put toward the total cost. Also, if you see or think of something that should be on this list, please let us know.

  1. Weed the Church Beds – This is a no-cost Wish List item. Can you pick a flower bed at church and yank some weeds? Please do! Thank you! 

Thank you, thank you, and thank you!

 Thank you to Judy and David Christie for donating to repair and repaint the sign in front of the church!

 Thank you to Sue and Brian Weston (new members at 8 o’clock!) for the donation of the electric mower for the Memorial Garden!

 In-kind and Wish-List donations help us go above and beyond. If you are aware of any such gifts please let us know at goodnews@saintjamesgi.net.



🎵 🎶 🎶🎵  MUSIC NOTES  🎵🎶🎶 🎵

Join us this summer for the Summer Music Listener’s Group! Meeting 2 evenings a month during June, July, and August, this group will explore the pantheon of church music over the centuries through lectures and listening sessions. Please join us, all are welcome!

The dates for June are the 8th and 29th at 7:30PM.

This morning’s musical point of interest: Many thanks to our guest oboist, Nancy Gruits, this morning! The choir anthem, Spirit Moving Over Chaos, is a 21st century composition that relies heavily on aleatoricism, a musical technique in which pitches are specified but rhythms and durations are not. While the choir and oboe intone the chant melody, the organ, and bells randomly play the tones of the tune throughout the work, at specified dynamics and intensities.


We Celebrate Birthdays This Week

Julia Stein (5/27) Jeff Hightower (5/29) Karyn Hightower (5/29)
Marissa Tissot (5/29) Kate Sullivan Hartwell (5/31) Andrew Johnson (6/1)
Monica Treadwell (6/1)

We Celebrate Anniversaries This Week

Linda Shannon & Herman Rugel (5/30) Dana & Peter Uhse (6/3)
Russ and Nancy Warren Atkinson (6/14)

Pray for the Departed       

Edward Larsen

Service Sat. June 3, 10:30am

Please Pray This Week For Healing         

Lee Jerry Zavadil Maureen Kohn
Jerry John Kurth Andrew Brunell
Pete Fernandes Jean Fernandes Laura Crawford
Rebecca Grossklaus Tamara Howes Michael Stoddart
Joan Klose Charles Annie Krueger
Irene John Jackson Bruce Beidler Rhonda Boitkus
Paul Showalter Art John Teddy Cleaver
Lynn Ryder Cain Mary Jo Brough Amy Brockmiller
Meredith Beidler Julieanne Kohn Brian Thompson
Gordan Scueder Greg Kohn Justin Beidler
Margie Coleman Joe Radelett Gabby
Josie Smereka Gordon Kevin Kaufman
Linda Hollis

Pray for those serving in The Church   For leaders of the worldwide church, for Philip our priest, members of our vestry, heads of our guilds & committees, and the staff and lay leaders of this congregation; for those engaged in mission work, for Jamie Treadwell in England, Todd and Patsy McGregor & family in Kenya, El Hogar in Honduras, and the Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen in Detroit.

Pray for those serving in the military  AJ Allen, Buckley Neal, Brett Ready, Dr. Bettina Sauter, and Alexander Turin.

To ensure our Lists are current petitions for healing are listed for 4 weeks per submission. Names may be re-submitted any number of times to office@saintjamesgi.net.