Spring Has Sprung!
IN-PERSON *OUTSIDE* SERVICES will begin in two weeks! Beginning Palm Sunday (March 28), and continuing every week afterwards, including EASTER, we will meet in the front parking lot in the full sun at 11:30am. No matter the temperature we will have a service every Sunday morning at 11:30am beginning on March 28. Only if there is rain we will not meet. We hope to see you soon!
WE ARE MEETING EVERY SUNDAY for a worship service at 10am on Zoom. It’s not bad! It’s actually quite wonderful. Join in to see for yourself: TINYURL.COM/SJGI-ZOOM
LIVE SUNDAY SCHOOL meets every Sunday morning at 9:15am on ZOOM. Use this link TINYURL.COM/SJGI-ZOOM or the prominent link on our webpage www.saintjamesgi.net
LIVE SUNDAY SCHOOL meets every Sunday morning at 9:15am on ZOOM. Use this link TINYURL.COM/SJGI-ZOOM or the prominent link on our webpage www.saintjamesgi.net
DAILY BIBLE READINGS are posted on Facebook and YouTube each week. Most recently we posted a reading of Philippians, which can be found here: https://youtu.be/0EovyeYmQ_c
EVENING PRAYER ON FACEBOOK LIVE is ongoing! Find us at 8pm on Facebook or any time afterwards at Facebook.com/saintjamesgi/live
A RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE is scheduled for Friday, April 16, 2021 from 11am to 5pm. The Red Cross has a link for this drive at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=48183 Be assured that they will follow all proper COVID protocols, limiting traffic flow, taking reservations for specific times, masks, limited human contact, six-foot distancing, etc. The location is on Grosse Ile, at the Presbyterian Church. The need for blood is even more urgent now than normal, given the significant increase in recent hospitalizations. We hope to see you!
THE PEOPLE ON OUR PRAYER LIST need your prayers. Please remember them as you read these announcements. To be added to the prayer list, send an email to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net or call us in the office at 734-676-1727. People are added for four weeks at a time. Contact us to renew names for another 4 weeks. Unlimited renewals are allowed!
PREPARED YOUTUBE SUNDAY SERVICES will be offered as long as there are any restrictions on gathering for worship. Services are posted every Sunday morning. Find them at https://www.youtube.com/user/saintjamesgi/videos
A CHECKERS TOURNAMENT will be held during the week of April 19th. Everyone who signs up will play a best-of-three Checkers game through the week with your assigned challenger. The final games will be shown LIVE on Zoom on Saturday, April 24, at 5pm. The goal is to be social during the games, but you’ll also want to advance to the next round. Who will be “Kinged” as the Checkers Champion of 2021? Sign-up here: www.saintjamesgi.net/Saint_James_Episcopal/SIGN-UPS.html
THE WEDNESDAY EUCHARIST SERVICE WILL MEET IN-PERSON *OUTSIDE* beginning this Wednesday. Importantly, the time will be 11:30am to allow for more direct sunlight and hopefully more warmth. We will meet in the Memorial Garden. In this service we tell the story of a Saint from history and also celebrate Holy Communion. The service will also be broadcast on Zoom: TINYURL.COM/SJGI-ZOOM
REACH OUT TO FR. PHIL ANY TIME at 734-775-7140. That’s his mobile number, so you can text if you prefer.
OUR ZOOM LINK can be found on our church website or by clicking on this short-link: tinyurl.com/sjgi-zoom — You can also use your telephone to join a Zoom meeting by dialing 312-626-6799 and entering this meeting ID: 734–676–1727##