November 15, 2020

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Dave Dowhan working on the chapel
TODAY’S LiveCHURCH! is Now Streaming: “The one where a guy gives $8 Million to his servants and comes back with questions”

FOR THE KIDS Fr. Phil has prepared a special Children’s Teaching on today’s readings: “Don’t Dig A Hole!”

SUNDAY IN-PERSON SERVICES are currently suspended by the bishop because of the rapid recent spread of COVID-19. Check out our online offerings through

THE THANKS+GIVING FUN RUN is going VIRTUAL! You pick the distance. You pick the route. Every mile counts! And 100% of race fee donations will go to feeding ministries on Grosse Ile and in the downriver area. Plus, this year there’s a raffle for all participants with a whole slew of gift cards available as prizes. Find out more I’m the Saint James website:

A NEW MEMORIAL PLAQUE was hung in the Memorial Garden this weekend with the mighty help of Peter Jett, his son Pete, Nick Peraino, Paul Primeau, and Ben Howes. It weighed 350 pounds and they had to press it over their shoulders! Many, many thanks to you all! Harold will remove it from its form on Wednesday. That is when the new name plates will be installed.

THE CHURCH OFFICE will be open for essential business on Wednesdays. to reach Fr. Phil you can call or text him any time at 734-775-7140.

A STUDY ON THE BOOK OF PHILIPPIANS continues this Tuesday afternoon at 2 PM by Zoom.

OUR THURSDAY BOOK GROUP is still open for participants. We are reading Correspondence 6, 7, and 8 in “Letters from a Skeptic.” The reading is quick. We meet at 2pm on Thursday by Zoom.

THE OVERGROWN BUSHES around the southwest corner of the main church building were removed this weekend by the direction of the vestry and with the diesel-fueled help of Mark Tissot, Peter, and Pete Jett. Look for further landscaping and overseeing as winter turns to spring!

SCRIP SALES are being suspended because we cannot coordinate them in person during lockdown. To purchase gift cards in a way that will still benefit St. James, consider buying them from Kroger with your Plus card that is registered to give a percentage to St. James. If your Plus card isn’t set up to give an annual percentage to the church, send an email to and we’ll reach out to help.

CHRISTNET SHELTER EMERGENCY  Homeless people have ONE option downriver for an overnight warming shelter—ChristNet. In the past, ChristNet has sheltered the homeless in churches staffed by parishioners, but COVID-19 has forced ChristNet to make different arrangements. For this reason, the costs of PPP, extra staffing, extra space, renovations and motel accommodations to maintain social distancing for the homeless, will add up to $150,000 in additional costs this winter. ChristNet’s existence is threatened by this shortfall. Between our General Fund and Fr. Phil’s Discretionary Fund, Saint James has donated $700 to the cause. To make a direct donation to help the homeless survive this challenging winter, use this link: or call (734) 287-8890.