November 22, 2020

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Introducing Emerick Kylo Blanks
Son of David & Heather Blanks Grandson of Lynn & Paul Blanks
9lbs 2ozs, 21.5 inches long – Mom & Baby are doing great!
TODAY’S LiveCHURCH is now streaming!
“I Don’t Want To Be A Goat – Nope!”
HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 2020 has been a weird year, but God is Good all the time. We give thanks for you, and for all the care and action that our parishioners have taken this year to alleviate suffering and magnify joy. Here’s to a Turkey-Day filled with gratitude and love!

THE THANKS+GIVING FUN RUN has gone VIRTUAL! You pick the distance. You pick the route. Every mile counts! And 100% of race fee donations will go to feeding ministries on Grosse Ile and in the downriver area. Plus, this year there’s a raffle for all participants with a whole slew of gift cards available as prizes. Find out more I’m the Saint James website:

A NEW MEMORIAL PLAQUE now hangs in the Memorial Garden. We’re grateful to everyone who helped pull off this 13 month odyssey. Most of all we are heartened that 10 names that have been waiting now shine with grace and beauty. Swing by the church and take a look if you like!

NEW OFFERINGS FOR ADVENT will be announced this week. Keep your eyes peeled for a letter from Fr. Phil.

SUNDAY IN-PERSON SERVICES will continue to be suspended until the national and state curves have bent and numbers significantly decrease.

CREATIVE CHRISTMAS PLANS are in the works! If you have ideas, send them to or reach out to Fr. Phil on his cell: 734-775-7140

THE CHURCH OFFICE is open for essential business on Wednesdays. To reach Fr. Phil you can call or text him any time at 734-775-7140.

A STUDY ON THE BOOK OF PHILIPPIANS continues this Tuesday afternoon at 2 PM by Zoom.

OUR THURSDAY BOOK GROUP is always open for participants. The book is “Letters From A Skeptic” by Boyd and Boyd. Our next meeting will be December 3. For it we’re reading chapters 10, 11, 12. The reading is quick. We meet at 2pm on Thursday by Zoom.

SCRIP SALES are being suspended because we cannot coordinate them in person during lockdown. To purchase gift cards in a way that will still benefit St. James, consider buying them from Kroger with your Plus card that is registered to give a percentage to St. James. If your Plus card isn’t set up to give an annual percentage to the church, send an email to and we’ll reach out to help.