Send yours to goodnews@saintjamesgi.net
Three of our staff persons at Saint James — Colleen Herman, Secretary and Bookkeeper; Jim Johnson, Minister of Music; and Harold Schwochow, Sexton — smiling and working hard for all of us!
TODAY’S SERVICE can be found online right now at
ONE MORE TIME for the fine folks at St James. Barry VanEngelen will hold one more entertainment session on the St. James front lawn on Friday September 25 at 5:30pm, with a rain backup of Sat, Sept 26 at 5:30pm.
MISSING THE HYMNS? Our online service always has 2-3 hymns sung beautifully by our virtual choir with words on the screen so you can to follow along. Even if you come to church in person you may want to watch part of our online service to catch the music. And don’t miss the excellent Organ Postludes at the end! www.youtube.com/user/saintjamesgi/videos
BOBBY RAGOONANAN, a previous Minister of Music at Saint James, is holding a virtual piano recital entitled “Piano Music: Past and Present” on Saturday, September 26, at 8:30 pm. Use this link to livestream the recital:
A MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR AMY KOHAIR is planned for our front lawn on Sat, Sept 26, at 11am We continue to hold Amy in our hearts.
“RACE MATTERS” SHORT CLASSES led by leaders throughout the diocese are being held in September. Register at edomi.org/racematters
IF IT IS RAINING on a Sunday morning, we will send out a message by email and Facebook by 9:15am if the 10am Service is cancelled; this is due to our diocesan limit of 10-ish people allowed inside the building at once.
THE FALL RUMMAGE SALE will not be held due to the global pandemic. We are very sorry. We hope to see you in the Spring!
CARE TO HELP WITH THE ANNUAL AUDIT? Reach out to parishioner Charlotte Campeau at charlottecampeau@hotmail.com or 734-379-9670.
THE SUNDAY SERMON is the same in person and on YouTube. Also, the YouTube services always include 2-3 hymns: www.tinyurl.com/yt-stjames
FOR CONTACT TRACING: 1) Please be sure your email address is on file in our office. 2) If you ever learn you were contagious at a Saint James event, contact us immediately. 3) Keep track of when you attend Saint James. If we discover someone was contagious at a Saint James event we will contact everyone.